Head facing east while sleeping

Head facing east while sleeping. Vastu experts strongly advise students to position their heads towards the east while sleeping. Head in South: As per sleeping direction vastu, this is the BEST DIRECTION to keep head. Children should sleep with their head towards East. The blood circulation of individual Nov 24, 2023 · According to Vastu Shastra, optimizing sleep direction can boost students’ energy and memory levels. This is the right sleeping position according to Vastu, especially if you are in the northern hemisphere. However, this tradition says east-facing may be helpful for those who want to improve their memory and focus. And that’s why, it is best to sleep with the head in the East to harness the powerful energies of the Sun. 4. Repeat a few mantras to relax your mind before you sleep. Here, people are classified into two groups namely the East Life and West life Jul 1, 2015 · You will be soulless with no direction, confused and make those around you miserable. Nov 3, 2023 · Vastu Shastra recommends sleeping with your head towards the south for deep sleep and various health benefits associated with aligning with Earth’s electromagnetic pull. 2 Sleeping With Head Towards South. Sleeping Positions And Directions – Why Should We Not Sleep With Our Head Facing North – Hinduism. 13. The waves in this direction are positive and can provide positive energy to the body. Mar 18, 2024 · While the best sleep direction may vary based on cultural beliefs and anecdotal evidence, scientifically, sleeping with your head to the south and feet to the north is considered an optimal position for better sleep. So people living in the Northern Hemisphere should not sleep with their head facing north, whereas people from the Southern Hemisphere should not sleep to the south. While east-facing sleep aids in concentration and refreshes the body, west-facing sleep may align with ambitions for wealth and fame. Per the 2022 study from Global Advances in Health and Medicine, sleeping with your head facing east is also associated with lower blood pressure and Dec 22, 2022 · Vastu Shastra’s best position to sleep is head facing south. Nov 23, 2022 · Is sleeping facing east good? According to Vastu Shastra, sleeping in the east direction is good, while sleeping in the west direction can be harmful which includes sleeping with your feet on the east side. The best position for sleeping is with the top of your head pointing to the south and feet pointing north. Scientific evidence may be limited, but anecdotal accounts suggest significant benefits of sleeping while facing the south or east directions. It is permissible. Head in the east direction while sleeping is also considered the best sleeping direction per Vastu for people going through health-related issues. Sleeping with your head facing South reverses the negative effects of North direction and thus, protects you from several Mar 17, 2024 · Calculate your optimal sleep direction based on your Kua number to align with the East or West Group for improved energy flow and better sleep quality. Direction: If you’re interested in this practice, you can align your body with your head facing east. This corner axis magnetic field is considered unsettling energy and even harmful to you. Only a dead-body’s head is kept towards North direction. If the head is towards the South then, Sound sleep and lesser tensions, health improve. The preferable method of sleeping is that one should sleep on the right side placing the right hand under the right cheek while facing the qiblah. Now we may realize why the ancient people said, that our intellect improves by East facing head or house, and life lengthens with the head facing south. This position is believed to promote good health, longevity, and physical strength. You should not sleep with your head pointed in the northeast direction. It’s referred to as the “death position. 5. West: Romance, relationships, and creativity. North-South Direction: Sleeping with head in the According to this philosophy, if you sleep facing north, you make the positive pole of the Earth coincide with the positive pole of your body – located theoretically in your head – making both repel each other. If the head May 31, 2022 · According to Vastu Shastra, sleeping in the east direction is good, while sleeping in the west direction can be harmful which includes sleeping with your feet on the east side. Sleeping in this direction increases happiness, wealth, and prosperity, and most importantly, promotes health. Answered by: Head north – Facing north increases sleep disorders and makes you lethargic. Always make sure you put your head in the East direction as much as possible. On the other hand, a north-to-south position for your body, where you’re sleeping with head facing north is considered to be the worst direction. That’s because the human head is considered to have a kind of polar attraction. Sleeping with head towards the South- Correct sleeping position. You can sleep in your husband’s favorable direction and avoid the bad direction. In which direction we should keep our head while sleeping etc. In the real life environment, sometimes it is very hard to achieve such configuration unless, you buy Oct 17, 2023 · The right direction to sleep is with the head in the South or East directions. Generally, it is considered lucky to have your head facing east while sleeping. Moreover, your head should be placed in the east direction as it increases memory, concentration, good health and spirituality in a person. South: Bad luck, illness, and poor health. Nov 24, 2023 · Place the bed with the head towards the South or East for positive energy; avoid the North-facing direction for the head to prevent potential health and sleep issues, according to Vastu Shastra. Another good sleeping direction will be keeping head towards the west. Sleeping with head towards Sleeping with your head facing the northwest is generally seen as a neutral energy direction. If the head is towards the West, it may create ill health. Referring back to the earth’s magnetic pole, a mutual attraction (head positive, south negative) creates harmony. Head towards North sleeping brings disease and head towards West sleeping dulls the brain. Never lie on one side for long. Learn how sleeping with your head facing east can enhance your memory, concentration, and career, and other tips from Vastu Shastra. This direction aligns your body with the energy of the rising sun, which is said to bring a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. And Allah Ta’ala (الله تعالى) knows best. Since the sun rises in the East, most people prefer to buy an East facing house as per Vastu . 3 Sleeping With Head Towards North. Sleeping with Your Head Pointing West: Dec 6, 2019 · The answer is this - people chose not to face North while sleeping because they knew about the magnetic power of the Earth. The We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Head to South Benefits 2. To get a good restorative sleep, it is better to sleep with your head facing the East. Sleeping in the east direction is considered good for health. For all you students out there, east is your ideal sleep direction. Sho-naa-bish. This is not a good sleeping direction for Vastu Shastra applications. Yes, you can sleep with your head facing the window. There is no specific scientific evidence or reasoning behind why we should not sleep with our head facing north. Jan 11, 2023 · You must keep your head while sleeping towards the east direction in order to get an undisturbed sleep. The prescriptions are as follows. Students and children will benefit a lot from sleeping with head resting in the east. Calming, promotes deep contemplative thoughts. Checking further, I found out that Jun 21, 2023 · According to some, however, there is the best direction for sleep. Which is the opposite effect during the daytime. But, before you commit to changing the layout of your bedroom, we asked some sleep experts for their insight on whether there's any substantial However, we often do not realize that the direction of sleep plays a crucial role as well as per vastu shastra. Keep changing This is also a favorable position to lay in when sleeping. I have read some conflicting information Sep 13, 2023 · Bearassentials. – People facing health problems should sleep with their heads toward the west. If you can keep your head in such direction, it will easily supply positive energy in individual whenever they wake up. Research has found that animals naturally align themselves in the south-facing sleeping direction. The positive pole of the earth’s magnetic field is to the north, and the negative pole is to the south. Towards a corner, one side against a wall, above a kitchen, behind a toilet wall. This in turn draws energy into the body. James E. Some scientists believe that sleeping with your head in south is also auspicious. Southwest. when you sleep in a way subjecting your body to cut the geomagnetic field at right angles, you become highly emotional whereas when it is Parallel, it cools your mind. However, if the window is in a noisy location or if light enters your room through the window, it can make your sleep uncomfortable. Some recent research supports this claim considering bedroom orientation as a factor affecting sleep. To find your Kua number, note the last two digits of your birth year. That's because the northeast is considered the origin of the Earth's energy fields. Guest room bed can be placed with its head in the west. There is more, but this is all I will say today. Nov 12, 2019 · Same polarity gets repulsed. The worst sleep direction is considered to be the west due to its potential to disrupt the body’s natural energy flow. According to Vastu Shastra, sleeping in the east direction is good, while sleeping in the west direction can be Sep 13, 2023 · Bearassentials. For females, add the digits and then add 5. The bed shall not be placed in front of the air conditioning, which may easily lead to cold; if your head faces the air conditioning, you will have bad luck and it is harmful to your Jun 16, 2020 · East and South directions are the most ideal directions for sleeping. Sleeping facing east direction is considered neutral. Positive poles repel each other, so Aug 31, 2023 · – Sleeping with their head towards the east is considered auspicious for those seeking success in their career. This alignment aims to balance the body with Earth’s magnetic fields, potentially enhancing sleep quality. Bed direction to avoid. Head to North or West: Results: Dangerous. While sleeping, the head should not be in the West and North. May 24, 2020 · Feng Shui Bed Placement: Avoid losses And Misfortune. [wp_ad_camp_2] [See Also : What Your Sleeping Nov 5, 2022 · Sleeping facing east. Avoid daytime sleep. Is it OK to keep your head in North East while sleeping? According to Vastu Shastra, it is advised to sleep with your head facing any direction except south. It is strongly advised not to keep the head towards the north while sleeping. Lying on the bed facing the South will cause all sorts of ailments. Jan 18, 2019 · East-West Direction: Sleeping with head in the east increases memory, concentration, good health, and inclination towards spirituality. Harmonizes mind-body connection. It has also been proven that individuals who follow this method Jul 30, 2023 · If you want the quick and easy answer, then yes, there is research supporting the benefits of sleeping with your bed facing north - your head pointing south and feet towards the north. Therefore, it is the best sleeping direction so far. Can strain neck/shoulders facing away. 4 Sleeping With Head Towards East. Lord Sun, the supreme power, blesses you with a great mind and body. Guests are allowed to sleep with their head towards the West. Let the night food be light and early. Or if the crown of your head points east (and your feet west), then you are sleeping facing east. Oct 31, 2023 · While it's a chilling thought, it's also a testament to how deeply sleep and spirituality are intertwined in many cultures. It helps improve memory and overall health. Also, the sleep in this position is of the best quality. In the practice of Feng Shui and Vastu Shastra, the direction of your sleep can impact your energy levels. Scientists believe that the best directionis with your head resting in the east. They were aware of the fact that the magnetic fields on the Earth are concentrated in the North and the South Pole. Research-Scientific Study on the sleeping position as per Vastu. Facing North While Sleeping. While it may lead to an active mind that does not quiet itself as easily as other minds, it is still an ideal way to sleep, especially if you are Nov 6, 2020 · Northeast Bad Sleeping Direction. If the head is towards the East, then improvement in knowledge, good for kids or children or employees. Promotes good health and sound sleep. Always sleep with your head towards one of your best directions, selecting the direction that corresponds to what you desire most wealth, health, love or personal growth. Dec 10, 2023 · Sleeping with the head towards the south is believed to promote relaxation and sound sleep, while the east direction is associated with positive energy and good health. Sleeping with your head pointing east is a boon for any academic pursuits. The best direction to sleep according to Vastu Shastra is when you lay your head facing south and your feet facing the north side. East is recommended for scholars, teachers, and those looking for fresh career opportunities or May 17, 2023 · Sleeping along the north-south axis with your head facing south is ideal, according to the principles of feng shui and vastu shastra. 4 days ago · 1. It should not face the door. According to the art of vastu shastra, sleeping facing east is another top-quality sleep direction. 12. Aug 31, 2019 · We will further talk about sleeping with our heads in the east and west direction. They may also rub and head press against your leg to show affection while At that moment, I realised that our distress depends on the direction of the head while going to sleep. Keeping one’s head oriented towards the south, southeast, or southwest is considered an ideal sleeping posture for couples by Vastu. A common reason why cats do this is that they have scent glands on their cheeks and this head-rubbing behavior allows them to mark their territory. Thereafter, I made it a practice to sleep with my head towards the east, and my distress disappeared completely’. It boosts memory, increases concentration, and promotes meditative sleep, resulting in good health. East: Intellectual pursuits, learning and knowledge. This practice is believed to foster positivity, tranquility, and heightened concentration, ultimately enhancing memory power. Plus, sleeping with your head facing the North can disrupt your blood circulation and Jan 28, 2021 · In Vastu Shastra, Acharya Indu Prakash tells about the right way to sleep. Oct 12, 2015 · Sleeping direction – East. If one sleeps in this position then he/she faces major sickness and remains sleep deprived. Aligning the head with the south may lead to improved sleep quality, reduced blood pressure, and enhanced deep sleep. The east-west position is considered best for healthy and sound sleep. Jan 1, 2009 · According to Vastu principles, the human body acts as a magnet with the head as its North Pole. Thus one sleeps well. Bed position to avoid. In addition, many religions, including Hinduism and Buddhism, believe that people should face east when praying or meditating for spiritual guidance. 10. They gave us a few more healing hints for healthy sleep. Find out the benefits and drawbacks of each practice and their recommendations for your bedroom space. Hence one does not experience distress from the subtle basic Raja – Tama particles generated in the body due to the sleeping state. This is the reason when we bury loved ones we lay them with their heads to the West. Importance of Right Direction of Bed as per Vastu. Feb 20, 2024 · The bed should always be on the southwest wall of the room. 11. Mar 5, 2024 · Vastu Shastra is an Indian concept that influences architectural design and sleeping position based on balance and energy. From the above explanation we can see that from the perspective of how to sleep well, the East-West direction with the feet facing the West is the best direction to sleep in. Mar 23, 2024 · Sleeping with the head facing south is considered the best direction for optimal sleep quality according to Vastu Shastra and Feng shui principles. Sep 18, 2023 · Here’s a quick overview of the potential pros and cons of sleeping facing each direction: North. The direction increases wealth, happiness, and ushers in prosperity. – Shri. To sleep on the bed, stretching the legs towards the entrance is not desirable. There is little of scientific evidence that states you should sleep in one direction over another. – If you want to improve your financial situation, sleeping with your head towards the south is helpful. It keeps blood circulation regular and steady. Sleeping with head towards the West-Neutral direction to sleep as per Vastu Shastra. Be it vastu for bed position or vastu direction for wardrobe, it is essential to . Apr 22, 2024 · Sleeping with head towards the East – Best direction for sleeping. 5 Sleeping With Head Towards West. Bed position as per Vastu. Drink milk with honey. However, vastu shastra and feng shui suggest that sleeping north-south is better for your well-being, and some sleep experts agree there are some benefits to positioning your bed Students who struggle to remember details about their academic courses and subjects such as Mathematics and Economics are advised to sleep with their head pointing towards the East. As per the Vastu Tips for Bed, the head position should be towards the East or South. He argues that the body is very sensitive to the earth‘s magnetic poles, so the blood can get Mar 16, 2024 · When your wake/sleep cycle is off or you can’t seem to sleep through the night, Suzanne reveals it could be down to these four things: 1. 1. So, if you’re in the Northern Hemisphere the best orientation is to sleep with your head pointing to South or East and if you are in the Southern Hemisphere, your head should rest towards North or East. So to prevent this, you simply lie with your head toward the East. The bed shall not face the bedroom door directly. If the head points north while sleeping, the North Poles of the body and Earth will repel each other, affecting the blood circulation and causing disturbed sleep and stress. Additionally, this sleeping position allows you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized. On the contrary, there is a local belief saying "do not sleep with your head towards north Aug 21, 2014 · One should lie on the bed facing the East. If you are older, however, this position may promote calmness and tranquility. When your bed is facing east, it is representing creativity, ambition and growth, as well as a new beginning. The south direction is the recommended sleep direction by Vastu Shastra and Feng Shui traditions. It is a sleeping direction that is recharging and can help you resolve inner conflicts by allowing your body to experience full rest and Vastu Shastra recommends sleeping with the head pointing south. Adults should sleep with the head towards the South or East. Jan 30, 2024 · Sleeping with Your Head Pointing East: Belief: Some Eastern practices and traditions suggest that sleeping with your head pointing east is more harmonious and in alignment with natural energies. It is a house of strength and vitality. For males, add those digits together and subtract the total from 10. They also knew that the body has a magnetic field of its own. East. Sleeping with the head facing South direction protects from many health issues and reverses the opposite pole’s adverse effects. Sep 5, 2022 · Is it good to sleep facing east? According to Vastu Shastra, sleeping in the east direction is good, while sleeping in the west direction can be harmful which includes sleeping with your feet on the east side. This means, while lying down, your head should point towards the south, and your feet pointing to north. There are mainly four directions - North, South, East Hence, the best sleeping direction as per vastu science is the direction of sleep that helps avoid geomagnetic interference. Facing east allows energy to flow in through the head, said to bring clarity, courage, and mental strength. Avoid reading serious or sensual literature straining the nerves. Jun 29, 2020 · The most favorable sleep direction is east, it increases concentration, memory, and brings quality sleep that makes you feel refreshed. This can cause nightmares and sleep disorders and wake up tired from the "internal struggle" between your body and the planet. The positive side of a magnet is the head, and the negative side is the feet. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. So, the next time you find yourself awake in the wee hours, maybe give a polite nod to any unseen visitors! 3. Feb 16, 2024 · In fact, as per vastu, one must never keep his head in North while sleeping. According to Vastu Shastra, south-facing is the ideal sleeping direction. So, from where did this idea of sleeping direction come about? I believe that the strongest proponent of sleeping directions is the Eight Mansions Feng Shui system. Nov 11, 2021 · If I sleep during the day with my head facing East (where the sound rises), I become drowsy with lots of headaches after I wake up. It is best scenario if you can sleep in both favorable direction, for example, for a couple whose Kua number is 3 and 4, you can choose South direction. ‘Although the effects of sleep orientation on health and wellbeing need further research to be Feng Shui Bed Facing East. I think, you will better understand it the diagram that I’ve prepared for you bellow: 3 days ago · According to Feng Shui principles, sleeping facing the east is considered the best direction for promoting restful sleep. Mar 24, 2024 · Sleeping with your head oriented west may offer benefits for success-driven individuals seeking optimal rest. South, East & West are acceptable. Jul 27, 2023 · 1. Sep 30, 2019 · Learn how feng shui and vastu shastra, two ancient practices from China and India, suggest the best direction to sleep for optimal health and well-being. Direction for the head to be placed while sleeping (Bed Cot Positions): 1. Jul 23, 2021 · According to Vastu Shastra, sleeping in the east direction is good, while you should never sleep with head in the west direction. 9. Vastu Shastra tradition hails from India, and its primary focus is space. ”. The next day when I slept with my head towards the east, my distress disappeared completely. I’m rearranging things in my home and have been researching the best direction to position my body while sleeping and working. The blood circulation of individual It is said that sleeping with a head facing north will cause stress and illness due to the magnetic forces of two repelling magnets, which disrupt blood circulation. West. The most ideal directions for sleeping are east and south. Head to South: Benefits: Auspicious. Some people find sleeping with their head facing the window more comforting since they can look out and be calmed by the environment around them. 3. But sleeping with your head facing east can be sufficient. This helps in speedy recovery from illness. Place the bed in the right direction for sound sleep and always follow Vastu Tips for Bedroom. In certain Asian traditions, the direction of your sleep holds deep significance. It is also a great way to encourage your career advancement. Sleeping with head towards the west- Avoid, if you can Sleeping in East direction as per Vastu; The East is where the Sun rises from. Your bed is directly opposite the door Here are some more crucial Vastu Tips for Sleeping. Jul 29, 2022 · Bed Direction as per Vastu. Make sure that the bed in the Master bedroom should be Dec 18, 2022 · Some cats use head-pressing behavior while lying against or towards a surface like a wall to sleep to mark their territory. Sleeping with your head towards the east boosts confidence, thinking ability, focus and peace. Sleeping with the head towards the north or west is usually discouraged as it may disrupt the body's magnetic field and lead to disturbed sleep. May 2, 2024 · Bed direction as per Vastu. So far, from what I understand, one’s head should point toward the south or east while sleeping, and one’s work desk should face either east, or north, or northeast. But the reason why is far more interesting and important. Best material for bed. Prakash; 3. Other sources suggest that the East is the second-best alternative to face while sleeping. It brings out intense emotions. West Group Kua Numbers (2,5,6,7,8): Feng shui consultants ask people in the West Group to orient their bed so that their head is pointing west and their feet pointing east when they sleep. With head towards south or east. Sleeping With Head Towards South. Vastu devotees say that east is the direction of the rising sun, therefore dozing with your head facing east is good for meditation and other spiritual activities! They also say that sleeping east is excellent for those who According to him, you should not sleep with your head facing to the nearest pole. Improves circulation and metabolism. 2. Diagonal sleeping Directions-Corner Axis. Apr 9, 2024 · Direction to Sleep as Per Vastu: Head facing South. South is associated with positive energy. Head north-east – This direction can create nightmares and make one feel on edge. Head to East Benefits: Auspicious. Centre of the house, facing north. In Hindu tradition, the soul exits the body by heading North and will be pointing that way until cremation takes place. The bed should be placed on the southwest wall of the room, and it should not face the entrance. South. They regarded the head as the North and the Watch on. May 11, 2024 · It is better to avoid sleeping with your head facing north. May 21, 2021 · As per Vastu, the South is the favoured direction, while laying in the North direction should be avoided. Billie is Chairman of the Seminole We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. A: 1. Facing east also aligns with the sun’s natural path, which may help you wake to more direct sunlight, supporting your circadian rhythm, or body clock. Northward sleeping is associated with negative effects such as tension, health Jan 4, 2023 · While it might sound far-fetched, many ancient traditions - such as Vastu Shastra - claim that lying with your feet facing north can help you to sleep better, and recent research supports that theory. Mar 31, 2023 · East is considered to be one of the best directions to keep your head while sleeping. The bed shall be parallel or perpendicular to the bedroom wall to avoid the sense of instability. The best sleeping position for couples as per Vastu is to keep the head towards the south, southeast, or southwest. Never sleep with the top of your head pointing to the north and feet pointing to Jun 5, 2020 · While keeping the head towards the south direction the positive waves attract the dangerous waves of the atmosphere, so that there is no movement in our brain (which helps to sleep well Aug 17, 2023 · East Group Kua Numbers (1,3,4,9): Feng shui designers advise people with these Kua numbers to sleep with their heads pointing east and their feet pointing west. Allows alignment with Earth’s magnetic field. Jul 12, 2017 · In fact, when you position your body horizontally, you can immediately make out that your pulse rate drops. East, South, North And South East are good for you if your kua numbers are 1, 3, 4 or 9. Your head direction while sleeping east is a source of power in Vastu. The following is a list of different head directions while sleeping and their associated meanings: North: Wealth, business success, and good fortune. Meaning, it's better to sleep with your body/bed aligned in north-south direction. The sun’s magnetic field which enters earth through the east direction also enters your head and exits through your feet, leaving your head cool and calm to catch a good sleep. In summary. ih zu mr yd ss pf wx qu ry ci