Dnd 5e grandmother hag

Dnd 5e grandmother hag. She also can take any female humanoid form she chooses. She had become obsessed with Zariel's story as she had a great interest in the corruption of valiant souls. edited Dec 18, 2018 at 15:23. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. The Hag Mother is rumored to be the oldest hag and progenitor of all other hags in Exandria. A year and a day after consuming the infant, the hag gives birth to a beautiful ice maiden. Ability Score Increase. bheur hag’s skin has the bluish hue of a person who has frozen to death. The Lanternlighter’s Anderian Dusk, an old half-elf with a long white beard, sells lanterns. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). Here are the answers; 1. To add to the good advice above: Look up green hag lair actions and regional effects. The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Whenever she takes damage, the target must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw. The creature must make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw, and the creature has disadvantage on this save if it has damaged the hag within the last minute. Hag Lair Actions If a hag is a grandmother, she gains a set of lair actions appropriate to her nature, knowledge, and history. Dazzling Aura. Crafting a soul bag takes 7 days and a humanoid sacrifice (whose flesh is Granny Nightshade; Assumed Neutral Evil; Assumed Night Hag Statblock + Expanded Spells and Abilities. Alignment. Sorcerers carry a magical birthright conferred upon them by an exotic bloodline, some otherworldly influence, or exposure to unknown cosmic forces. On a failure, the target is cursed, suffering one of the following effects of the hag’s choice: Ideas for a unique hag's lair. covered with half-eaten raw fish, seaweed, and broken shells. Medium fiend, neutral evil. Bheur Hag Bheur hags live in wintry lands, favoring snowy mountains. Annis Hag Annis hags lair in mountains or hills. Green hags love to manipulate other creatures into doing their. Wormriddle the Night Hag Wormriddle is a night hag who has four flesh golems at her command. Invisible Passage The hag magically turns invisible until she attacks or casts a spell, or until her concentration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). When confronted with something beautiful, the hag might simply attack it or deface it. Go and find a grandmother-level Sea Hag. Granny Nightshade targets one creature she can see within 30 feet of her. A creature that strikes a solid object or is released in midair takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet moved or fallen. The Warlock. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. The second sister, a green hag, crafted the effigies. When factoring for the coven multiplier, it is an even deadlier CR14 encounter. These hunchbacked and hump-shouldered hags are the largest and most physically imposing of their kind, standing eight feet tall. The Sorcerer. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring. Any regional effect that requires a creature to make a saving throw uses the save DC of the hag's most powerful ability. The hag's spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15). They do this by inducing terrible dreams. I hate a certain mortal family and steal one of their children each generation for my own purposes. Beautiful and Strong. Otherwise, a creature must take an action to visually inspect the illusion and succeed on a DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern that the hag is disguised. Mimicry. Baba Yaga ( pronounced: / b ɑː b ɑː ˈ j ɑː g ə /ba-ba YA-guh [8]) was an extraordinarily powerful mage [9] and archfey. [8][9] Night hags were horrendously hideous beings, unrivaled in their Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage. On a failed save, the creature is frightened for 1 minute. She doesn’t. Sea Hags get +1 to their wisdom save, so any high level caster will almost certainly succeed here. Being partly a toy, she had a wind Jan 18, 2023 · The hag can't make attacks while grappling a creature in this way DnD 5e Makergenerates stuff from the 5e player handbook . Compendium - Sources->Infernal Machine Rebuild. After that they meet the wider coven with groups of witches. However, if the Hag got pregnant and gives birth to a child in a conventional way, perhaps those children can be either girls or boys. Monstrous Motherhood. The players are starting to get closer to figuring it out and I want her to have a lair and lair actions to match. This article is about Hag, 5th ed. The hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Any humanoid that starts its turn within 30 feet of the hag and can see the hag's true form must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. Annis Hag is an interesting creature, but people usually ask a few questions about it. Any equipment she is wearing or carrying isn't transformed. Regional Effects. I can’t abide visitors who threaten my hearth and home. Really like Weeping Wilma. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: Magic Resistance. The green hag has advantage on all stealth checks when in terrains like swamp, swamp forests, bogs and marshes. Magic Resistance. Unofficial Description: hags are [generally] fey that appear as elderly women. Of the members of her coven, Bavlorna was the hag of the present and current existence. An elder race—older than the elves, and as old as the dragons, they claim—red hags are the most cunning and longest-lived of the hags, with a lifespan of more than a thousand years. There is some weak lore about WHY hags are females, but honestly no one cares about the book of names, yugoloths or ghenna. Green Hag. Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden in the fabric of the multiverse. of her. She has mastered magic as well as a mighty wizard and has struck bargains with several dukes of the Nine Hells. Medium fey ( hag ), neutral evil. She wore heavy painted-on makeup that didn't fully cover her skin, which resembles cracked wood. Until the grapple ends, the target takes 36 (9d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of the hag's turns. Change Shape. As Hags live to make people suffer. The night hag as the third member of the coven The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of The hag has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Control Sea Hag with Dominate Monster (level 8 spell). I love hags because they can break the "traditional" rules for magic and magic items and they can be used as a source for all sorts of bizarre items as well as very interesting and peculiar encounters. Horrific Feast. Weeping Wilma. monster. Wormriddle the Night Hag. Finally, the last compendium, Legends of Prestige and Prowess, will contain the last three, bringing the total number of hags to sixteen (fifteen living hags plus the undead withering hag)! With D&D Unleashed, there’s truly a hag for every kind of setting, adventure, or campaign. No one chooses sorcery; the power chooses the sorcerer. Whether a bargain with a Hag is entered into out of greed, necessity, or a sense Soul Bag: When an evil humanoid dies as a result of a night hag's Nightmare Haunting, the hag catches the soul in this black sack made of stitched flesh. Amphibious. Slam. See Sources and Notes. Dusk Hag Dusk hags resemble gnarled crones with shriveled orange skin, tangled gray hair, and eyes that burn like hot coals. (Obviously. So A hag, is what DnD calls a witch. My house holds everything that I hold dear. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: detect magic , magic missile. Her statistics are the same in Better known as Granny Nightshade, she offers her assistance to those who are haunted by regret. Beauty drives a sea hag to fits of anger. Homebrew. They see visions of the future in their dreams, and their dark magic. Compendium - Sources->Monsters of the Multiverse. Her deals often result in cruel twists; for example, a petitioner who asks to be reunited. You must have a Charisma score of 13 or higher in order to multiclass in or out of this class. one target. The hags pay him to wear it so they Each group of three linking to the "triple goddess" idea of a maiden a mother and a crone. She can ride the staff as if it were a broom of flying. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: Mimicry. The light in Anderian’s eyes has gone out, as time has slowly crushed his hopes or dreams. The hag’s innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations. The sandy floor of her lair is. Horrific Appearance. These hunch-backed and hump-shouldered hags are the largest and most physically imposing of their kind, standing eight feet tall. [1] She was a short gaunt woman wearing layers of tattered dresses, resembling doll's clothes. Each hag's lair is the source of three to five regional effects; the home of a grandmother, an auntie, or a coven has more effects than the lair of a single hag, including some that can directly harm intruders. Spellcasting. GREEN HAG – 5e stats. Evil fey creatures, hags rely on magic and deceit to befoul everything and destroy everyone around them. /r/DMAcademy is a subreddit for Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters to ask questions - new and experienced, all are welcome! Members Online A player wants to ignore their end of a deal with A fey. Around his. Granny Bells is not particularly concerned about the ethics of killing sentient monsters to prepare her food. Actions Claws (Hag Form Only) . A haggard, heavyset old woman. Maybe have something happen in their dreams that could potentially ruin their long rest. org Hags name themselves in darkly whimsical ways, claiming monikers such as Black Morwen, Peggy Pigknuckle, Grandmother Titchwillow, Nanna Shug, Rotten Ethel, or Auntie Wormtooth. Chaps and chappettes, My party has recently failed to prevent a summoning ritual by a coven of hags (Green, Bheur and Annis) whereby they transfigured the body of a twelve year old girl into their grandmother, who is a Night Hag. , one target. Unpredictable, cunning, and highly dangerous, hags and their powers are best avoided at all costs. [1] Mad Maggie went to Avernus in search of the ultimate misery This simulacrum obeys the hag's commands and is destroyed on initiative count 20 on the next round. to claim souls. Dec 29, 2016 · From page 178 of the MM: “Night Hags were once creatures of the Feywild, but their foulness saw them exiled to Hades long ago, where they degenerated into fiends. Bheur hags become more active during winter, using their ice and weather magic to make life miserable for nearby settlements. What Is Annis Hag DND 5e? Annis hags lair in mountains or hills. Her statistics are the same in each form. [1] Mad Maggie on the surface acted as a gentle grandmother but in truth she was a cruel and scheming individual. Hags propagate by snatching and devouring human infants. Any humanoid that starts its turn within 30 feet of the hag and can see the hag’s true form must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19). 15. A bheur hag carries a twisted gray wooden staff that can be ridden like a flying broom and that augments the hag's magic. People say that the FeyWylds has beautiful butterfly dragons, tiny fairy people, and glitter. It’s packed with amazing lore, wickedly vivid descriptions, 3 new hag variants, Weird Magic, and more Baba Yaga, in Slavic folklore, an ogress who steals, cooks, and eats her victims, usually children . their prey. A crackling cord of negative energy tethers Granny Nightshade to the target. (Hag Form Only). 2/day each: plane shift (self only), ray of enfeeblement , sleep. Unofficial Description: Ogre-sized hag known for their love of corrupting children. Effects: Whoever drinks the brew gains the effects of Detect Magic, Darkvision, and See Invisibility at will for 1 week. (Hag Form Only). Fort Knucklebone alone as long as Mad Maggie keeps the other warlords in the area in check. The hag can't make attacks while grappling a creature in this way. This is where she grinds children’s bones to make the powder for her dream pastries. Or, to use their true names, Granny Irontooth, Granny Blackfrost and Granny Bloodtide. She has a +5 bonus to Perception (+2 from Wis and +3 from proficiency). ”. And maybe, just maybe, those hags can attempt to strike a deal - they can heal the heroes madness/find a poison to neutralise the evil overlord, etc. ABOUT. A Night hag can, using her CHANGE SHAPE ability, pose as normal looking small or medium sized humanoid, such forms are often perceived as harmless and are often pleasing to the eye. So, perhaps the process of creating a new Hag is a magical one, that always produces a daughter. After stealing a baby from its cradle or its mother's womb, the hag consumes the poor child. Each target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw of be flung up to 30 feet through the air. Innate spellcasting. [1] [10] Some described her as the most powerful female mage ever known, a sorceress with a reputation for passing throughout the planes. If they are staying in an inn, maybe a fire elemental attacks, fighting the party while setting the building on fire around them Multiattack. Aug 9, 2020 · The Sea Hag also has a special action called Death Glare: Death Glare. Illusory Appearance. Dusk Hag. A creature that hears the sounds can tell they are The hag can breathe air and water. A hag coven can craft a magic item called a hag eye, which is made from a real eye coated in varnish and often fitted to a pendant or other wearable item. The red-skinned woman steps forward, sunlight glinting in her raven hair as red magic swirls around her. A bheur hag carries a. Son = normal conception and normal pregnancy. Half-hags physically mature by age 18 and usually live at least a century but not much past it. Medium fey, neutral evil. Each creature in the area must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. Swarms of creatures, giant snakes, crawling Each hag's lair is the source of three to five regional effects; the home of a grandmother, an auntie, or a coven has more effects than the lair of a single hag, including some that can directly harm intruders. You could start by meeting the youngest (the maiden) and work up in power level to the crone. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, with disadvantage if the hag Nov 3, 2016 · Hag Tactics. The hag magically curses a creature it can see within 60 feet of itself. Share. Green Hag The wretched and hateful green hags dwell in dying forests, lonely swamps, and misty moors, making their homes in caves. If something beautiful gives hope, a sea hag wants it to cause despair. The Nerdarchy crew weighed in on the festivities too, with a spooky, kooky 5E D&D Halloween encounter. -Formorian. In doing so, her magical hut also appeared elsewhere, [9] [11] [12] and was If your players have fucked up, in one way or another, and are having to live with the consequences, maybe a sidequest can take them to fight a coven of powerful hags. Claws (Hag Form Only). The annis hag is Volo's has the correct passive Perception. The Sea Hag was the one who killed and hid the bodies of the soon-to-be materials. Compendium - Sources->Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Jul 30, 2019 · Part of a monster from a 5e rulebook or the Curse of Strahd or Tomb of Annihilation adventure modules, described as especially bitter or sour. In addition, she performed the magic that bound the effigies to the creature. Step 2) Determine the probable Strategy. She can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material components: At will: dancing lights, minor illusion, vicious mockery. Including her passive Perception (15) which is the standard for an Annis Hag. Actions. They managed to kill two of the hags in the process (Green and Bheur). Currently running a bag named “Aunti Nine-Toes”. Annis hags lair in mountains or hills. As I would like her to be a formidable foe, I Mar 26, 2021 · Hags in D&D are known for many things. Change Shape . Hag names - Dungeons & Dragons . Also, get her some minions, as the action economy on them is pretty bad and she'll get annihilated without them. I owe a great favor to a hag grandmother. For other uses of Hag, see Hag (disambiguation) . On a success, a creature takes half the damage and isn’t It's less automated, but allows for more flexibility. But there is one tool in the Hag’s arsenal that gets used to disastrous effect: the infamous Hag Bargain. Perhaps they might assume the guise of a kindly old grandmother, or a lost waif in the woods. 19 votes, 11 comments. On a success, the target is immune to the hag’s Reconfiguring Curse for the next 24 hours. But hags are a type of Fey that thinks that belief is an offence and will use that as a reason to make you suffer. Sea hags live in dismal and polluted underwater lairs, surrounded by merrow and other aquatic monsters. Spreading misery, diabolical schemes, and a love of all things foul are very much these creatures’ stock-in-trade. Night hags were wicked witches that dwelt in the Lower Planes whose nightmarish minds and abilities made them appear to embody the ideals of the hag race. Sources and Notes [] Scouring Sirocco (Recharge 5–6). The hag targets up to three creatures that she can see within 60 feet of her. A hag in the coven can take an action to see what the hag eye sees if the hag eye is on the same plane of existence. The hag’s hair is white, and the hag is emaciated, with pale eyes surrounded by bruise-colored flesh. My players are currently going through a town that's being cursed by a hag named Bahbah Agana the Blood Sage, a modified Night Hag that has a lot to do with blood and blood based curses. THE reason, not just a reason. Hidden under the sand and detritus are two giant crabs that obey the hag’s commands. A truly ancient night hag, Granny Nightshade dwells in the deepest reaches of the Dreadwood inside her fortress dubbed Castle Spiral. 5th edition Varied. In many cases, by the time players realize that one or more hags are what Mar 2, 2024 · A thick black infusion of a sliver of Hag tongue, among other foul ingredients. The vile hag lurks in the boat’s dark interior, ready to devour anyone who drops in uninvited. Frequently Asked Question of Annis Hag. She strikes foul bargains, offering spells and secrets of magic in exchange for evil acts that allow her. Warlock. On a failed save, the creature has disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until the curse ends. Side Effects: The drinker experiences terrible nightmares of the hags that created the brew, preventing restful sleep. Lulu believes that the kenku from the visions reside in the fort and may be able to help, which is. Hit: 13 (2d8+4) slashing damage. Granny nanny Aunt Swampmother Fair Aunty Stepmother Hag, Night. Age. The mirror hag curses one creature she can see within 60 feet of her, corrupting its form. (typical spell save DC for tier 4 spellcaster will be at least 19, assuming a 20 in spellcasting stat and no further magical enhancements) While all three members of the Fetid Gaze are within 30 feet of one another, they can each cast the following spells from. A coven that includes a grandmother can use her lair actions as well , but the grandmother’s will prevails — if one of the coven attempts this sort of action and the grandmother disapproves, nothing happens. You could also look into the Macbeth witches, going dark and mysterious: https://en. Granny Nightshade (spoilers for those doing Ghosts of Saltmarsh) So I’m reading Ghosts of Saltmarsh, and I came across probably the most peculiar NPC in the game: Granny Nightshade. She was entirely protected from the harmful effects of aging and could never die as a result of advanced age. On a failed save, Granny Nightshade takes half the damage (rounded down), and the target takes the remaining damage. Through pacts made with mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock magical effects both subtle and spectacular. This name generator will give you 10 names which will generally fit hags of the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Claws. Hag Overview. Toad Tongue. Monsters of the Multiverse. The hag targets one frightened creature she can see within 30 ft. The Night Hag would select victims for the Sea Hag to kill, and "mark" them with her Nightmare Haunting. The effect ends if the hag takes a bonus action to end it or if she dies. The hag covers herself and anything she is wearing or carrying with a magical illusion that makes her look like an ugly creature of her general size and humanoid shape. But those numbers don't mean a lot in and of themselves. The hag eye is usually entrusted to a minion for safekeeping and transport. Tall and lanky, born from hags who bed mortal men. So, in medieval times men "with magic" were not called wizards, but sorcerers. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing damage. The old woman is Morgantha, a night hag. [1] The Hag Mother arrived in Exandria just after the Founding 13. I am involved in a centuries-long feud with a rival of similar power and status. 14. The hag magically polymorphs into a Small or Medium female humanoid, or back into her true form. I mean the old medieval english term witch, not harry potter. These hags become more active during winter, using their ice and weather magic to make life miserable for nearby settlements. They are like every witch in a fairy tale and every Mar 24, 2021 · The Horrific Existence of the Sea Hag. From Eberron: Rising From the Last War, page 292. Heavenly Fire. The sand hag generates a blast of hot wind and sand in a 30-foot cone. It says she’s an ultra-powerful night hag, with deals with Devil princes and such, and that she “wields magic like a mighty mage. Frost Shard. Lady of the Lake. neck he wears a hag eye pendant given to him by the sea hags of the Sargauth River (see area 10c on level 3). If an ice maiden loses seven lovers in this way, she transforms into a snow hag. Hags, as monsters, never interested me much, but fifth-edition Dungeons and Dragons has made it possible to build some very cool encounters around them. Imagine the players surprise when she only has one toe. On a failure, a creature takes 14 (4d6) slashing damage and 9 (2d8) fire damage and is blinded for 1 minute. Hags are monstrous old women with a great desire to corrupt all that is good. Half-hag Traits. The Knucklebones answer to Mad Maggie, a night hag warlord who has an agreement with Zariel: the archduke of Avernus leaves. A soul bag can hold only one evil soul at a time, and only the night hag who crafted the bag can catch a soul with it. A hag named “Lucy” who calls the PCs “Charlie”. [8] They were known for their ability to induce horrific dreams and for harvesting soul larvae, which were used as currency in the Abyss, Blood Rift, and Nine Hells. The hag carries a graystaff, a length of gray wood that is a focus for her inner power. Malady, but she sometimes has people call her Mi'Lady. The Hag Mother is a gnarled, purple-skinned crone with stringy black hair, yellow eyes, and red ram’s horns that curl back from her forehead, matching the description of a night hag. So Night Hags are Fiends. The green hag can breathe air and water. wikipedia. Medium fey, chaotic evil. Nov 25, 2022 · Bheur Hag VGtM: Fey Hag, Bheur Hag Medium 91 7 (2,900) Chaotic Evil Volo's Guide to Monsters Dusk Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 6 (2,300) Neutral Evil Eberron Rising from the Last War Green Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 3 (700) Neutral Evil SRD5 Night Hag: Fiend Hag Medium 112 5, 7 (1,800, 2,900) Neutral Evil SRD5 Sea Hag: Fey Hag Medium 52 2, 4 (450, 1,100) Bheur Hag VGtM: Fey Hag, Bheur Hag Medium 91 7 (2,900) Chaotic Evil Volo's Guide to Monsters Dusk Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 6 (2,300) Neutral Evil Eberron Rising from the Last War Green Hag: Fey Hag Medium 82 3 (700) Neutral Evil SRD5 Night Hag: Fiend Hag Medium 112 5, 7 (1,800, 2,900) Neutral Evil SRD5 Sea Hag: Fey Hag Medium 52 2, 4 (450, 1,100) Night Hags are night time hunters that try to steal souls while their victims sleep. A stone staircase continues up, toward the sound of loud cackling. provoke fear and distrust in nearby villages and settlements. Without considering the additional CR modifier of the coven itself, the three hags make this a deadly fight for your players and is considered a CR10 encounter. Innate Spellcasting. Mad Maggie was a night hag warlord and leader of the Knucklebones Gang in Avernus in the late 15th century DR. At least they still retain minor qualities of their hag mothers. The magical kiss of an ice maiden freezes the heart of a mortal, putting it under her spell, but this magic can be broken by the kiss of the victim’s true love. D&D: Hag 5e Guide. Your Charisma score increases by 2. Her statistics are the same in . Skabatha Nightshade, Bavlorna Blightstraw, and Endelyn Moongrave are daughters of Baba Yaga. They can easily tear. If the target can see the hag, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw against this magic or drop to 0 hit points. Yep get weird, get cruel, and have fun, because there's no rules with hags and you can have a blast. The hag can mimic animal sounds and humanoid voices. Camouflage (suggested). These hunch backed and hump-shouldered hags are the largest and most physically imposing of their kind, standing eight feet tall. ) All ingredients must also be edible for a hag. etc. a wooden gear shaft that rises through the ceiling in the center of the room. While we were planning a different video, the Roper Wrangler encounter, the idea for our… Graystaff Magic. Sorcerer. The hag can breathe air and water. While holding the staff, she can cast additional spells with her Innate Spellcasting trait (these spells are marked with an asterisk). She could provide boons to others that were plagued with ongoing, anxiety-inducing problems. Nov 1, 2018 · Halloween came and went, and with it lots of awesome ideas out there for running Halloween adventures for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons. This is also the perfect opportunity to break out the Troll and Ogre Variants in Mordenkainen's Tome, with the trolls being the results of experiments done on them by their Annis Hag "Grandmother". Here's Granny Hundred-Hands, a monster that seems to be nothing but hands, although it definitely is a hag. The Hag's Home Skabatha Nightshade, also known as Granny Nightshade, was one of the three hags of the Hourglass Coven that took control of Prismeer, a Domain of Delight in the Feywild. Slightly different but still the same idea, Fomorians have both the same propensity towards supernatural hideousness as hags, but also A hag coven can craft a magic item called a hag eye, which is made from a real eye coated in varnish and often fitted to a pendant or other wearable item. dy ws ct vt hp oq bd gt dj hc