I tore 2 tendons and 3 ligaments. lump on foot after strain/sprain healed. Due to gravity the blood pools at the bottom of your foot ( quick google search will show you similar bruising patterns ). Lisfranc is really bad if left untreated for so long, so if you have insurance, it is better to rule that out. There is an interesting clinical rule for assessing ankle injuries, helping to determine if it might be broken, called The Ottawa Ankle Rules. Stretch 10 seconds, 2x. Few days ago I sprained my ankle pretty bad while walking outside, the immense pain I felt was the worst pain I ever had in my life. Discussions about the… The swelling could be normal/related to healing and leading to more tissue compressing on the nerves of your feet leading to tingling. It could take 3-4 weeks for an x ray to reveal a stress fracture. Ball of foot feels "knotted up. Stop these at the first sign of fatigue (or discomfort). Typically when you sprain an ankle, the calf gets involved to compensate and gets tight. In plain English, take 3 ibuprofen at a time, 4x a day. It wasn’t better after 3 months so I got an MRI. 12K subscribers in the FootFunction community. (240 reps total). Climbing is much much lower impact. Service connection for left ankle sprain is denied because the medical evidence of record fails to show that this disability has been clinically diagnosed. A place to discuss the benefits of natural foot function and gait mechanics, and how to restore it. Acute injuries such as fractures, strains and top-of-the-foot sprains can occur in people of all ages. Ice. For those experiencing top-of-foot pain, tendinitis of the tibialis anterior tendon may be the cause. It could be a simple sprain or could be a lisfranc. Taking the two weeks off and giving your body time to heal will be better in the long run (pun intended). Fell down some stairs at work about 2 weeks ago, got some X-rays at the hospital and they said it’s just a severe sprain. Repeat this for 45-75 minutes. It’s been great building up ankle strength for hiking and other sports. • 3 yr. Pain ranges from a 3 to a 6 to walk on. For self-care of an ankle sprain, use the R. I’m able to play sports again, however, if I run consistently for 30+ minutes it starts to become uncomfortable. I can´t say I have felt much pain on the top of my foot but your foot get shaken around quite a bit when coming to a sudden stop when you shin hits the bag. Curl toes under. They did x-rays and there is no fracture, so everything is ok and I just have to not force it much until it heals completely. Wear an ankle support or hiking boot. Sprained the hell out of my ankle. Follow the tendon gently rolling down. i did have poor flexibility and tight calves/ hamstrings. Then add a weight on one hand and then switch hands. thought it was a fracture, but the x-rays showed it was sever inflammation and tendonitis. I can be doing anything…laying down, walking, driving, and I all of a sudden feel a warmth for a few seconds. Injuries to this area of the foot also called a midfoot sprain, can cause damage to the joints, ligaments, and tendons. (38 CFR 3. Finished out the session but now a few hours later the pain and my limping has just gotten worse. When things are feeling ok, you can use slightly higher levels of intensity to increase capability - but only when the area is not actively inflamed. If the pain doesn't want to go away, see the doc. And to be honest, I'm not sure I could convince myself to play while I still 40 votes, 39 comments. She did x-rays and saw nothing. approach for the first two or three days: Rest. how much is just the difference in my two feet Make sure to massage all three and linger on the spots where you feel tightness and/or knots. E. Moderate sprain of the first Lisfranc ligament. Did your foot also bend inwards (i. 3 you basically wouldn't be able to walk, so I assume you have a grade 1 for now. Anyone can experience a twisted ankle, which may cause intermittent, sharp pain on the top of the foot. In the morning after a sport session is typically when it’s the most painful and lessens Catfishing is the luring of somebody into an online friendship through a fake online persona. You could be looking at a week until the initial inflammation calms down and a bit of healing. Unable to walk without a mild limp. Google that - if following those rules says you need an X-ray, go get an X-ray. Do a light warmup and find a small field/track/etc. Use an ice pack or ice slush bath immediately for 15 to 20 minutes and repeat every two to three hours while you're awake. HutSmut. If the tingling and pain persist after the swelling goes down, I would get it checked out. Pain is on the top of my foot, following the tendon that goes from my big toe up to my shin. you can also touch the areas and feel where they are bloated indicating the areas the sprains are due to liquid/blood leaking out. Stiff calves = annoyed plantar fascia and then pain. I suggest stopping and continuing rehabbing. 2. For me, and in general - I would say its from less than full function of the midfoot/arch and big toe. Treatment & Recovery Timeline: Put your right foot behind you and put the weight on the top of your toe. Contact your local Emergency Medical Services if you are in a medical emergency. Your bruise looks like it runs over the extensor hallicus longus tendon (tendon attached to your big toe). If it doesn't hurt more, probably a sprain. I work with her uneducated assistants all day and she checks me out at the end of the session. Running, shooting this morning. Mild bone contusions versus reactive bone marrow edema within the base of the second metatarsal and lateral cuneiform. Consider a pair of shot blockers (expensive) or skate fenders (not cheap, but cheaper) until your foot heals. It's not worth it, no matter how eager you are to get back to running. Keep feet low to the ground, small but quick steps. Medial ankle sprain. I rolled my ankle where all my weight What the Thais use is heat (not ice, except for the first day), and massage. i'm 32, and was pretty healthy before. I would try to get an MRI to sprained my ankle pretty bad landing on a defenders foot about 3 months ago, was originally told it was a grade 2 sprain so 4-6 weeks to heal. If you feel the pain when you pull your foot upwards (i. Avoid activities that cause pain, swelling or discomfort. Little-Second-8031. 232K subscribers in the steelers community. The foot x-ray showed that no bones were broken, so at my Blog. I’ve… I'm about 5 weeks past a mild ankle sprain. This is my post on healing shins, but it can be applied to the tops of feet too. I thought it would heal on its own, but it didn’t, so I didn’t get an x-ray until 4 weeks after the injury. Depending if its a high ankle sprain or a regular sprain, the recovery process can take anywhere from 2-3 weeks to a couple of months for a high ankle. The podiatrist will tell you to stay off it until it stops hurting and in all likelihood try to sell you expensive orthotics you probably don’t need. I still don't know what is wrong with it A place to discuss the benefits of natural foot function and gait mechanics, and how to restore it. • 9 yr. Visualized musculature intact. If you are lucky, that is your problem. This is because a sprain has to do with ligaments. Ice- Ice your ankle, 15 minutes on, 15 minutes off. As the pain allows, every single night take off the boot, raise your leg to waist level, ice for about 10 minutes, then massage the foot and ankle TOWARDS your body, trying to draw fluids out of your extremity. Top of Foot: Treatment Tips for Fracture, Sprain or Strain. julio_137286. Bol Bol (right foot sprain) OUT at #Mavs. She mobilizes my ankles which helps with the ROM a lot. If you feel it just when you pull your big toe up, or flex your toes backwards, it might be extensor. You need to heat the area and press (painfully) the swelling out, and do this once or twice a day. A theraband can help with that. e. As you get better at the exercise you can They don’t hurt to do them at least (I know I should see a Dr but I can’t). Go get X ray! You don't want to play around with your feet! I sprained mine in 2022 and it looked a lot like that. Will sit 6th straight game. This would be low-medium intensity CARs, or terrain, but this would probably be 1/10 the duration of the other. left foot windshield wiper (if you're sitting with feet out in front of you, rotate your foot so your big toe touches the ground between your legs, then rotate out so your pinky toe touches the ground outside your legs, repeat x 20) right foot windshield wiper. Visualized flexor and extensor tendons intact. It didn’t swell or bruise but the pain was moderate, mainly when I rotated my foot to the left. Please remember that Reddit is not a replacement for professional medical care. Feeling “a lot” better, hopes to return in 7-game road trip. Not trying to rush back. Right. Podiatrists have limited medical training compared to orthopedic foot and ankle doctors. Taking another puck there will be a pain worse than you can imagine. 99% sure it's extensor tendonitis. This damage can vary from a mild ligament sprain to a bone fracture or joint dislocation. No pain at all. Award. Here are some tips that I do which I don't experience shin splint. It was raining/snowing at the time, and also being huge pregnant my joints are a little loose right now. #Suns i sprained my ankle 5 months ago skating. This includes any lying or deceit. After you've gotten the muscle to release and stay that way, then you might want to strengthen it a bit to prevent a recurrence. I highly recommend getting a Bosu Ball and doing single leg balance on both the rounded side on top or the flat side on top. Feels like I set my foot on a warm heating pad, but it’s not burning or too hot. Other Possible Causes of Top of the Foot Pain Include: Ganglion cysts. I managed to play an hour pain-free, but it took about 3-4 days to no longer feel sore. •. I have Asics cumulus and nimbus. These conditions are treated with home remedies, medications, immobilization, and physical therapy. • 1 yr. You have to go to a doctor for any pains that persist while running. Ball of foot pain, doctors are stumped. Try both. Any tips on recovery to get back asap? Really don’t wanna miss training sessions, been on a good consistent roll lately. So either 2 ice sessions, or 3 ice sessions. Remember, if there is pain in the "palm" of your foot, you need to go regardless. I. This peroneal tendinopathy and tenosynovitis is near a patient-placed marker. Reply. Eric Gordon (left groin soreness) is a new addition to the Suns injury report and is questionable Applied RICE method and started to go back into normal exercise routine slowly. I have to use ice all night even seven weeks in. For a bad sprain, maybe 6. Now do all over again but switch feet. This helps with swelling and inflammation. Sex: Male. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Calling it “mild” sprain “nothing serious. It sounded like someone snapped the drive belt on a Civic. Broken ankles, also called ankle fractures, occur quite frequently Reply. It takes a really long time to get in to see my doctor, and the pain wasn’t too bad at first. Driving can exacerbate it too. My vet took xrays to make sure nothing was broken and gave me a prescription of Carprovet (inflammation and pain) and that was it. Go for time 10 seconds, 20 seconds, 30 seconds. Stand on the edge of a stair and let your heels drop off. (See pic where I point at the area of pain, lol) After resting it for 3 weeks and seeing no improvement, I went to an orthopedic doctor. Thanks! Don’t walk anymore than needed, and do not run/jog/jump for at least 2 weeks while you let it heal. Raising my big toe causes the pain Took 2 days off and swam - Iced/stretched - Foot felt better. Not sure if this is normal for all sprains and common knowledge, or if I should see a doctor. . 15 minutes, 30, then an hour. Tight shoe could be putting excess pressure on the tendons. 3. It took me 3 months minimum, so give it time, and a good physio. It’s been happening for the last week and it happens numerous times of day now. The foot has a complex set of Brilliant exercise for building ankle strength: When brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, fold a towel up (to get a reasonably high "cushion") Then stand on it with one leg slightly bent at the knee and try to keep yourself stable, one minute on each leg (brush those teeth proper yall). Share. 2mm. Blunt trauma injury (dropping a heavy object on your foot) Fractures (particularly of the fifth metatarsal, a bone on the outer edge of the foot that connects to the little toe) Bunions. A place for fans of going barefoot, using minimal or "barefoot" shoes, or shoes with low or zero heel-toe drop, wide toe box and a flexible sole. Spent a couple months in conservative treatment then switched surgeons and the new surgeon repaired my deltoid ligaments and did Nov 4, 2021 · The midfoot consists of bones and joints attaching the front of the ankle to the forefoot. Add a Comment. The bruising you see is from the joint ligaments being ripped and bleeding. I’m still able to jump rope. However, several chronic conditions can also cause pain in the top of the foot. Then you'll want to start loading the tendon to stretch the fibres and condition them so they can withstand activity in the future. The two most common causes of top of foot pain are metatarsal stress fracture and extensor tendonitis. Race: Caucasian. You need to immobilize it for 2 weeks and if possible get some crutches to be off of it for 1 week. Location: Fourth toe on left foot, pain is mostly at the distal phalanx, but sometimes sore all around the toe, dull and aching This direction is helping you prevent the rolling of the ankle by improving the fast twitch muscles. TIA. I maintain a cadence of at least 170 for my Is the pain on top or bottom? Do you feel it while jumping. they put me in a boot, and it was a lot of bike riding for me for some weeks. If it hurts more, probably broken. Now, 5 weeks later, I am walking around comfortably in a walking boot. I did all the resting and icing and mostly kept off it for 6 weeks. It sucks, but you need to take two weeks off from running (stationary bike/eliptical instead). Nov 1, 2023 · Summary. Duration of complaint: 24 days. 1. Zen_Platypus. Most ultra runners I know including myself usually take 1 week or less off after a sprain like this. When I rolled my ankle, my foot was definitely swollen for quite a few days. No issues during the run, but my foot was really sore the next day and I had a hard time getting through my 8 mile run. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I've got a sensation in the ball of left foot, it feels like someone cut open the ball of my foot in the middle and surgically installed a ketchup packet. No official diagnosis yet. It seems localized to the side of my foot where a bunion might form and extends to the top of my foot below my big toe. A place to discuss the benefits of natural foot function and gait So I was playing soccer 2 months ago and I must have somehow injured it on the field without knowing, but apparently I sprained something in my foot (possibly one or more extensor hallicus brevis) and the result was plenty of pain, difficulty walking, swelling (of the toes, area behind my toes, bridge of my foot, and the area to the side of my bridge), tendonitis throughout my foot (which also Have someone lightly smack the bottom of your heel. 31-year-old male, history of a left inversion ankle sprain with partial tears of the CFL and deltoid ligament complex, Full tear of the ATFL. After additional x-rays, she found that while on my left (uninjured) foot the spacing between I guess the first two bones at a given spot were about 1mm, on my injured foot the spacing was 2. I jumped up for a defensive play and came down hard on the outside edge of my left foot. Foot stretch. Got an Ortho referral for an appointment two weeks out after finding out an old sprain was actually a navicular break in my left foot. My boy was fine after about a week. Get that xray and keep us posted! best of luck. As it currently stands, it does not hurt to walk, and I have regained most of my ankle mobility, although holding in deep squat positions still brings out an impingement feeling, and sitting on my foot in a plantar flexed manner still brings out pain and I cannot put all of my bodyweight there. If I were you, I'd ice 20 min on and 20 min off 6 times a day (put a washcloth on top so you don't get frostbitten in essence). The adjacent retromalleolar groove is flattened and slightly irregular which could be a source of friction. Apparently you can still get swelling for 12 months. The fracture will be too small to see on an x ray, yet after 3-4 weeks a bone callous forms and is quite apparent. Getting worried it might be a bit more than just a sprain, wanted to get some second opinions. After 6 months, your ankle should be . Consult your Primary Practitioner or Primary Care Physician if you are experiencing health related issues. That has seemed to really cut back on 90-95% of my ankle popping. The injury occurred after excessive days and hours of tennis. Mine is on my left foot on the sole…basically the arch. The bottom of your foot, the plantar fascia, is tightly connected to your calf. So i'm seeing a physiotherapist but she's it's so frustrating trying to get information out of her. Thoth-long-bill • 25 days ago. I'm dealing with something similar now. Lack of foot dorsiflexion after ankle sprain/strain. If you've got a foam roller, then you might want to roll the lateral sides of your calves. Extensor tendonitis is often caused by tying your shoes too tightly. Hello m23 here. To me, judging by the rest of your ankle (assuming location of fracture/sprain is low) it may be broken :\ but as you know, you wont know for sure until you receive an x-ray. IMPRESSION: 1. I just had my 3rd surgery 2/16/24. You will be banned if you are homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist or bigoted in any way. Stretch those calves all the time. I've had foot reconstruction surgery and swelling has been a real problem in the cast. If you were stretching your feet by sitting on them, that pressure over the top of your foot can sometimes cause bruising! However, I highly recommend scheduling an appointment with a healthcare professional to Jan 24, 2024 · Pain on the top of the foot can be caused by damage to the bones, tendons, ligaments, or nerves. I sprained my ankle 4 months ago playing basketball and it still has a mildly sharp pain in the circled area. Complaint: Toe pain after blunt trauma (stubbing/jamming toe). 303) A claim for direct service connection requires evidence of a current disability, evidence of incurrence or aggravation of a disease or injury in service, and evidence of a right foot alphabet. I heard it might have just been from wearing my shoe laces too tight and that it’s okay to exercise as long as it doesn’t intervene. You could try icing the leg if your dog will tolerate it. Best case is ankle sprain. Common conditions that cause pain on top of the foot include osteoarthritis, peripheral neuropathy, gout, extensor tendonitis, and Lisfranc injuries. One particular injury called the Lisfranc You don't need to walk barefoot for 6 months, just rest until the pain goes away, then start back into running, slowly at first. The pain has become worse (outer side of ankle) and I struggle to walk especially in the mornings. I like to use a knobble to save wear and tear on my thumbs. Good. The peroneal retinacular complex is normal. Sandvik95. I sprained the side of my foot last night; I think I may have torn a ligament and it’s super swollen and extremely painful to put weight on it. I've had a couple of stress fractures, pain on the top of the foot is the big give away. Height: 6 feet, zero inches. I've sprained my ankle pretty badly back in March. Do it again facing the bed post and again on the other 90 degree angle. I sprained my foot while dancing last weekend, and after some days I finally went to the doctor. A break has to do with bones. Best. Similar mechanism to JK Dobbins injury Sunday. [Adickes] Aaron Rodgers injury appears to be either Lisfranc foot injury, ankle sprain or possibly even Achilles. I am wearing a support bandage, using ice Sometimes that can cause the pinky toe to deflect inward and put strain on the peroneal tendon. If you can avoid lifting heavy throngs too. ” More on-court work. Hope this helps! Its been 3 weeks since i Inflammation/swelling at ball of foot and top of foot at the base of the 3rd/4th toes after walking. And by gradual loading I am mostly talking about playing tennis again, in moderation. (x-rays showed nothing) i was off it for the first couple of weeks and when it started to gradually feel better i started strengthening exercises and it felt about 90% (could jog comfortably) about a 2. Also, I recommend doing these ankle exercises to help you recover quicker. incster. After about 6 weeks, I gradually returned to my full activities of running, hiking, climbing, skiing, etc. I can walk perfectly fine and with no pain but when I invert my foot I do get a serious sharp…. After a mile or two of normal walking, the 'ketchup packet' feels more like a key fob. If that combo is not working right, your body will start to use the big toe less and less, and often the ball of the 2nd toe gets A place to discuss the benefits of natural foot function and gait mechanics, and how to restore it. Has been looked at. Once you are ready to run again (ideally, after you've been okay'd by your doctor, but at least not until you're completely pain-free), wear a brace during your runs until your joints So I sprained my left ankle pretty badly around 2 months ago. sole towards you)? Because that's the most common injury and is often just a sprain of the lateral ligaments, which does not need a plaster, just some ice and support. Pain on the top of the foot often occurs due to overexertion or injury. The issue is compounded by body weight on the affected area. Just stick to top roping on slabs and leading overhanging routes if you are really worried. It's probably not a stress fracture, assume it's just tendonitis or muscle strain first. The pain is on my inner left foot. Cannot stand on tiptoes on left foot. Metatarsalgia refers to pain in the area, but not in terms of what causes it specifically in any particular case. Archived post. Hey everybody, Threw a leg kick today a little harder than usual in sparring and landed with the top of my foot. C. The sprain was relatively mild compared to previous sprains and breaks I’ve had (minor bruising and swelling). Sprains and broken bones. Then bend your knees and repeat the stretch on the back of your Achilles. Posted by u/Smart-Friend-8857 - 1 vote and 4 comments Peroneal tendons run through there. Hello, I (33F) slipped on the ice in mid-March and injured the top of my foot. 1 / 2. Using your hand, press on your foot towards your body until you feel Peroneal tendon injury. So yesterday when I was leaving for work, I tripped walking down the driveway to meet my uber. Push out to the right and stretch the outside of the ankle. I can bear my weight on it and can walk sorta, but still can’t move my foot. She said without having a baseline it's hard to say how much of that might be sprain related vs. so a month /6 weeks ish ago I strained the ligament across the top right hand side of my (right) foot (i think it was the ligament). -Physical Therapy Grad Student. Urgentcare was breezy about it ("give it a few days and see how it feels!") but I'm starting to lose faith that my outside ligament is still connected to itself. ago. My dog (8 year old, 10 pound poodle) sprained his back leg yesterday after jumping and landing weird. r/FootFunction. The only injury I had was on my butt or glute which is understandable because I don't do much strength training. Possible PTTD after L ankle sprain, struggling. Your health and safety are our highest priorities. We have had people come here complaining about pain in the feet or ankle then realizing they go full force hitting with the top of their feet. Also using a lacrosse ball gently along the outer edge of the foot as well as working it up and down the outside of the leg starting up near the kneecap. Some sprains can be VERY painful (high ankle usually). The swelling needs to come down to reduce pain and increase mobility. I once had a cat diagnosed with a sprain and the vet advised confining him to the bathroom for a few days to let it rest, if that helps. Sprained my ankle on a run 8 weeks ago. Last week I (31f) fell into a hole twice (super clumsy) and twisted my left ankle. LOL. " Partial loss of function (60%?) when trying to curl 3rd/4th toe downward (sometimes complete loss). Weight: 205 pounds. RICE for 1 week. Age: 48. The tibialis anterior is a far-reaching muscle that originates two-thirds up your lower leg, and extends down to the top of your foot and connects to your metatarsal bones. The only to find out is an x-ray imaging and in SE cases MRI or CT scan. krumpisalad. Don't kick through swelling pain on the feet or shins, they won't heal. increasing pain. Take Ibuprofen, 600 mg, QID, PRN Pain. After an entire day at work (Mostly sedentary), I take off my boot and the area around my ankle and Achilles gets a bit May 11, 2024 · Hold it for a few seconds and then let go. the opposite of pointing your toe) it might be what I have - anterior tib tendonitis. Bradley Beal (left hamstring tightness) remains out for tomorrow's game against the Lakers. Sprains are a bitch, and it's really easy to overdo it and injure yourself further. I currently have a pain on top of my foot but only feel it if I move my foot at certain angles or touch it. I wish I would’ve advocated for an MRI at the beginning. Will miss several weeks best case. i'm an experienced street skateboarder, and i've had a couple ankle sprains, no other serious injuries. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Foot sprain recovery After run went for a wee dip in water and slipped badly on rocks while wearing crocs View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit 10+ year old foot sprain was actually a break. Learn about toe socks, toe spacers, toe mobility, mid-foot rotation Mild tendinosis and tenosynovitis of the peroneal tendons at the ankle without tear or subluxation. Assuming the doctor says it's nothing serious, you're gonna wanna protect that spot for a few months. Sprain ankle. If I have injured toe I can really feel Sprained Toe Is Slow (to heal). i was doing a flatground trick at moderate speed, landed on my front foot funny and rolled it. It is somewhat painful, but the risk of re-injuring or creating other injuries is low. Shoes with lots of cushioning. Use heat, not ice, for acute episodes of pain, and stay on the Ibuprofen for inflammation. easy way to tell a low is you can feel the pain below the ankle near the top of the foot especially when you walk while high ankle sprain the pain is prominent when you press on areas above or beside the ankle. A few days after it occurred, my ankle and foot was crazy swollen and the color of my foot/toes was very dark. Jusuf Nurkic (right ankle sprain) has been upgraded to probable. If it says you are unlikely to need an X-ray, that it’s unlikely to be broken, go Broken foot vs sprain? 25F, 5’2”, approx 188 lbs (only due to the fact im currently 36 weeks pregnant). i had that. Smacking your heal should only cause some vibration through the bones and aggravate the brake. Grade 1: No torn ligaments Grade 2: Partial torn Grade 3: Complete torn. Already back at a normal routine and my ankle is still swollen. Unfortunately for me I only have 10 days left before my flight with 2 layovers so I have to think of a way to heal it fast! The ankle is a pretty tough joint, and what you describe does sound like a sprain. While sitting in a chair, place your sore foot on your opposite thigh. Go to an orthopedic doctor that specializes in foot and ankle. Subreddit for fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers football team. At this point I'd suspect it could be broken, might get it checked out if able. No evidence of Morton's neuroma. ys fe kn kt pq zs lh br bq rd