How much did you drink in your 20s reddit

What were your 20s like? Me. Light drinkers were those who drank less than 105 grams per week, or less than 15 ounces per day. 24 and drink most nights, usually a few beers (homebrewed high alcohol RIS or IIPA right now) so I'm gonna say maybe 12-18 units a night, 84-126 a week. Also smoked more weed. Please look after yourself xx. So for less than $20 you could get as obliterated as you wanted. [deleted] Sobriety is a big challenge and a big lifestyle change, and that can be really daunting when you're in your 20's and alcohol makes up the majority of social interactions. Sometimes if I’m out it would be the equivalent of 500ml in 5-6hours (once, rarely twice a month) or the 300ml in about 3 hours at home. I did feel old in my mid-30's, but I got over it. My face became more slim. I was a major screw up until about 27. . Job, wife, kids, pets. Not a drunk anymore, still sorta broke but not destitute as I was. Finally graduated from college. Drank somewhere around 12-24 drinks/day for about 10 years. Oddly enough I drank heavy for 20+ years, starting in college and there is no damage to my liver; perfect bloodwork otherwise as well. Since not drinking I can eat as much as I like (including treats like ice cream, chips, and cookies) and STILL maintain a healthy weight! +Much less anxiety. Sometimes I’d drink 750ml to 1000ml of vodka without realizing it. 1st year - almost no drinking. 😂 Just have fun. Kittens4Brunch. g. What things did you enjoy in your 20s that are no longer as pleasurable? DRIVING! I loved the sense of freedom and escape driving created. It makes life easier, and only takes 2-3 gym sessions a week. At 19 I was 150 LBS and 5'8" at my heaviest I was 275lbs. I started actually drinking (once every few weeks) was when I was 18. 93 stones). In my early 20s, I mostly smoked weed and at my most frequent time, it was 2-3x a week. You don't owe an explanation to anyone as to why you do what you do. I’m 37 now. 60+ hr work weeks. Most alcoholics are very resistant to anything that threatens their drinking, whether they rationalize it 173 votes, 440 comments. Then another place had the same deal but it was $7 for bottom Wells and beer from 11-1(1 being closing time). Honestly, go and take a hike on one of those Saturdays, maybe invite some of those drinking buddies out with you. For whatever reason, my 20s have been the most stressful & mentally frustrating years of my life. However I wound up with a traumatic brain injury so alcohol will always find a way Maybe try out some new hobbies that would be weird to drink while doing. But seriously, daily drinking should be a red flag. When you learn about puberty and "the changing body", you aren't taught that your body continues to change and shift throughout your whole life. Everybody has issues that they run into, and… Posted by u/throwaway8592749 - No votes and no comments In your 20s you have the energy to party and be productive. I drink out of glass 1-quart Kerr jars or something else glass and close to a liter. The community I grew up with weren’t into cerebral things. I was a night owl. 7 kg or 8. 5% body fat recently. You have tons of time, the only mistake is assuming that being mid-20s with some mistakes is somehow unfixable. Etc…. You'll notice it again in your late 20s, mid-30s, 40s and so on. Mid 20s: finally settled on a degree to pursue, got engaged, then married. In terms of alcoholic units a bottle of gin is 28, times 7 a week = 196, the recommended amount for a man is 21 (UK). No hangover the next morning and fine to drive (have a breathalyser after the limit went down). At the end of my drinking I would drink in the morning before work and at work, having driven drunk many, many times. Basically: Don't spend your 40's wishing you did something in your 30's. I'm 30 and I used to go out all the time and drink. At 19 I was bright eyed and ready to take on the world, at 29 I start my day with Ibuprofen and yoga then end it with Rye and a tens unit. Work out, read books, explore, be interesting, meet people as you travel, don’t be lazy and they’ll naturally come and get you laid more in your 30s. 22. 16, I live in the U. Drinking, partying and drugs. About 12 drinks of random alcohol any given Saturday (football tailgating). I drank daily for years. I started at 26. The binges would last longer and the periods between shorter. Your access to a network of fellow parties should also be larger than it will be 30+. Reply. I had a life changing event about 10 years ago that made me put things into perspective about how we worry about what we can’t change, and not worry about what we can change. Single and broke. Diet, strict & calorie counting, lost me 105 lbs. I'm 4. Now in my 30s I’m having a different But even if you fail, it's not uncommon for your promotion to still get let's say 3,000 to 5,000 customers. The spirits came out for a special event. 26 male, post-college cubicle job, USA, ~170 pounds, inherently high tolerance to drugs and alcohol. So far it hasn't, to my knowledge, effected my health. It depends where I am. I think I blacked out just about every Friday/Saturday in college. Your 20s are overrated. I binge drank with periods of daily drinking from 17 to 38. 5oz) but on average id say 20 beers a week but it differed a lot because of tests. As a result, drinking hard in your youth and young 20s quite literally changes normal brain development. +Weight loss! This one was huge. Do it all in your 20s, so that when you hit your 30s you are content with just chilling and having kids and/or a career. Going to yoga instead of the bar. in 11 months. Chase women (limited success as I had zero We did drink a lot and we did go stupid. We threw a tent and our mountain bikes in the car Travel as much as you feasibly can. 976K subscribers in the Advice community. Ultimately, you have to decide to stop drinking, until you make that decision you'll just keep drinking. That's still $11,850 to $19,750 in royalties for me (based on that previous price point). Our community supports side hustles, small businesses, venture-backed startups, lemonade stands, 1-person-grinds, and most forms I'm worried about how much longer doing this can last though. Smoking too much weed, drinking hard 4-6 nights a week, dead end, shit job- then my dad died. On the weekends I would drink until I was drunk. You can't wind back time, so really the only thing is to make sure the next years count. My face did indeed slim out in my early 20s. But it got worse over time. This is non-negotiable!! I'm mostly focusing on weight loss now. I did a 30 day stint in rehab beginning October 17 and haven't looked back since. Late 20s: Settled into career and married life. I go to a fairly social/party school As it says in the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous, alcoholism is a chronic, progressive and fatal disease. Drink a liter-plus right away in the morning since you lose much overnight, then to taste or whenever feeling sluggish throughout the day. So even 100 a week I guess. Be professional, humble, and open to new ideas. Highlander198116. At home I won't drink too much, only about 10-20 units a week, but at uni I'll drink at least double that. In the end I spent the last 6 months drinking all day, everyday about a handle of vodka every other day. Fasting came back at 156mg, my doc immediately sent back for A1C (7. 5l/day for about 6 months until I completely flamed out. Then it was about 1l of vodka/day for 2ish years, then close to 1. 300 to 195 M 6'. You're worried about your drinking, and you're worried about your health. I'm not particularly drunk at that level, just merry. 20s were spent working a shit load and partying even more. 3-4 Espressos upon waking (or 2 cups brewed) and 2-3 espressos in the mid to late afternoon. There have been times when it's been as low as 3 drinks a day and times that were as high as 10 drinks a day. How much did your early 20s social life suffer if you weren’t into clubs, bars, and late night parties? I (30M) definitely suffered socially. I had to make some big changes, but they all ended up being for the better. 493K Members 676 Online. Studying, Working, Video Games, actually my 30s doing the same, just less studying and gaming, and more working. (Which would cost about $6000 from our venue). 69 days sober today. I'm a big vodka drinker too. . You are so on point. My jaw line became a lot more defined and in general my face was more masculine. I made up for it by finding an incredible man who gave me the best daughter, and building a great career that pays really well. Didn’t have a sip while I was pregnant or breastfeeding back in 2015. Diagnosed at 27 with type 1 after antibodies came back. The human brain doesn’t stop it’s full developmental process until about 24/25 years old. I invested a lot in my 20s and I worked my ass off. 12-14 drinks a day to function, 20-28 on a weekend or day off. However, there are also many elements of your life now that will be foundational to your future. Probably 13, but it was cheap, preground, overextracted, drip coffee that I drowned with milk and sugar. And if you're worried about career etc a lot of good can come out of letting loose. I drink because it lets me relax after a long day of work. Human_Adult_Male. Dating a ton of different women until I married in my mid 20s. If only I'd started investing or something clever. Eat lots of replenishing foods, in this case, that means, eggs, good oils (olive, flax,…), fish, whole grains, meat (if you're not vegetarian), and lots of freshly cooked vegetables. (I had no idea what alcohol was and didn't do it again until my) First beer which my uncle gave me at 15. Graduated and worked my way up to earning 6 figures within 3 years. Drink lots. Reach out. I had a rule of no drinking before 4 that I stuck to for a long time but eventually that went out the window. So I’m 36 (F). My fiance and I originally budgeted 5 drinks per person for our 130 person wedding. •. If you like hanging out with someone, get their number. I want to give a cautionary tale, as this is something happening to one of my best friends right now. Also, the last few times I got completely hammered, I puked for hours, and I never ever want to experience that again. What -minors- were you -majoring- in to justify your drinking? E. I didn’t regret most things i did in my 20s. Not so much anymore! Junior/senior year of college -- we drank 5 - 6 nights a week and not a small amount. The woman you meet tomorrow, the one you let get away, she will still live in your thoughts ten years from now. My early 20s was a turbulent time for me figuring out that I was a smart ass without self-discipline nor respect for others. Even though everyone apparently was trying to tell me. Hello, here's a list of things that have improved for me: +Much better sleep. Not saying you have a drinking problem, but chances are if you posted this question, I’ll take a chance and just get my message to you out. 1%) after work. When I drank, more and more often I drank until I passed out. I've become a lot harder mentally, a lot less caring, bitter at the world you might say. 4. But it was mainly beer. It took me more than 10-12 years to notice a pattern there. But damn, did Covid destroy us. I wisened up in late 20's but often think what I might have achieved by now if I wasn't a drunk mess from ages 18-28. I had a good balance. cownan. Hang out and watch movies. Award. Edit - this was more around 17 to 18. Traveling a shitload for business. Usually Friday, Saturday and atleast 1 if not 2 very extended happy hours per week. There's plenty of time to be sensible in your 30s onwards. So, haha I've made progress since then. That lasted about a week or two at that rate. You have to grow up quick when you can’t call your dad because you’re short grocery, utility bills, etc because you blew all your money being a paycheck playboy. Please post only when sober; you're welcome to read in the meanwhile. Akshually even if you drink only once a month, the daily average would still be above zero. My highest in a week was probably about 70 beers (of 250ml, 8. Don’t overthink it and have fun! College is your pass to be an idiot without accountability. These are thoughts I'd share with my 20-28 year old self: Cold feet on your wedding day isn't always just nervousness; sometimes your body is legitimately telling you that something isn't right. ) and also to enjoy life the fullest while you're still young. You definitely feel time differently when you hit 30. One of them big bottles of the 80 proof vodka with the Russian name now one can pronounce properly, well except for the Russians, of course. 0. I'll be 25 this year! Crazy how time flies. I definitely would have if I finished med school at 24-25 vs 30 though! I’m not into the grind life into my 30s. 5 years at that level. 5 years ago I used to be 230 lbs (~104. Reply reply. And you can see why even if it didn't do amazing, the company still covers their initial base-pay to me. Be good to your body, especially your knees. I dropped quite a lot of weight around that time, I suppose you could call it puppy fat. To answer your question, I had my first alcoholic drink on my 18 birthday and it became a problem before my 20th birthday, so less than two years. A beer or two after work is also okay. I did smoke a fair amount of marijuana then and still do to this day. The reason I have decided to stop drinking is because it hasn't added to my life at all. [deleted] •. 43 stones). I'd have to nap around 5pm, so I could sober up enough to finish it all. Early 20s I was eating fast food more than 5x a week, smoking, I drank more diet coke and red bull than I did water. 5’6” and 182lbs at diagnosis, down to 163lbs now, 7months later. 12 to 25 at least twice if not three times a week at my worst which lasted maybe three years up to this spring and I’ve been trying to manage ever since. It was only in my late 20s that I started to really spend effort building constructive habits and structure for myself, which is always a work in progress. First year of university (starting final year - 4th - in a couple of weeks) - got into rubbish nescafe instant stuff. So much is taking place (or supposed to be taking place) in such a short amount of time. That doesn't mean that you aren't having health problems -- just too drunk to see it. I can finish off 2 1/2 1. This is a place where you can ask for advice on many subjects. In 30s you have more money and NYC is expensive, but 20s of course youth is on your side. Make a checklist of every degenerate thing you want to do. Taking care of your body. 30s spent raising kids, not partying nearly as often, but still working a ton. My peak drinking was from 18-21 when I was binge drinking at least once a week but often more like 2-3. 1). At my worst, I was drinking a 750ml of whiskey and various nips per day. 29. Only could remember the first few drinks I made and would lose my phone/wallet/brief case/wake up downtown on the sidewalk. ago. I don't think I was a problem drinker but I was hanging out with people who I do think were on the line re: problem drinking for a couple years-- I was never very interested in drinking in college and only sort of got interested in my early and mid-20s, but around 24-25 I started having some weird issues with metabolizing alcohol. Nothing good has ever come of it, and I take meds for anxiety and depression, which don't work when I drink. Drugs, kinky sex, fighting people, whatevs. Not very rational. The change between 23, 24 and 25 yrs is one of the craziest things to me. Sort by: [deleted] • 2 yr. Xennial birth years, roughly defined, are 1977-1984. Maybe you and your crew can find something to break up that cycle of heavy drinking every weekend. Just start taking steps and you'll be moving just fine. My 30s were better than my 20s and my 40s are better than my 30s. First mixed drink was 14. Sex becomes easier, you know what they want so they come back more. 15/16 I live in the states. 3. 2. Just not every week. “ie. And remember, regretting the pain of a hangover is not the same as deciding to stop drinking. And in a way, while I loved my 20s, I’m Drinking is so rampant in your 20s, especially your early to mid 20s. I got super into trail running, yoga, cycling, etc. Low six figure salary, around $115k/year plus bonus depending on how we do. A community of individuals who seek to solve problems, network professionally, collaborate on projects, and make the world a better place. People you go out with fade in time and having peace of mind at home is a lot better than being drunk/dealing with drunk people. Hobbies, social life, where were you living, who were you spending your most time with, all of that stuff. At 29 I'm down to 220lbs. Now here I am 4 years later. If I am practicing/cupping maybe more, but that is the exception rather than the rule. If you're good at managing your alcoholism, much, much longer. If you are, in fact, questioning your drinking habits, you might want to think about your relationship with this substance. I don't drink anymore but you honestly aren't missing much. We also didnt have other stimulates like highly caffinated energy drinks mixed with hard spirits and synthetic drugs. I didn’t choose a longer specialty bc of this. (6'3" 185lbs). Now I still drink, as sparingly as I can, but only beer. 75L bottles in a normal week. However we are worried we've underestimated how much people might drink since although half the crowd won't drink at all, the other half might have 10-20 through the night. Entrepreneur. Tastes better than metal or plastic and isn’t constantly empty. I was in PHENOMENAL shape. Don’t think life will be the same five years from now and be the one stuck in retail work frozen in time when everyone else is starting their lives. There’s no wrong way to make friends. r/stopdrinking. It was real bad, I was waking up in the middle of the night just to vomit. My mood has stabilized a lot and I don't know if that's being 26 or living a much healthier lifestyle than I did when I was 21. Too close to the sun and all that. The most frustrating part to me is real friends. We didnt walk down the street thinking we had every right to take swigs from a smirnoff bottle and ruin peoples night. Barely slept. 30s have gotten better. RedditReboot77. In your 20s, strike a balance between being wise for your future (like not doing stupid things that will make you bankrupt; investing in health, etc. 3-4 beers a night 2 nights a week and about 6 per night 3 nights a week (weekends) Towards the end I was drinking about as much as the someone you talked to nearly every day. Red wine, bottle minimum and usually 2 since someone else usually stole a couple glasses and I didn’t get the full bottle. crazynekosama. kg or ~16. I was building up my company. 1 beer. The clock is ticking - there's no escape from that. +Heart beating less hard. But to answer in a rough fashion, 3-5 a day in my 20's. I just turned 30 and have been drinking vodka heavily for probably 5 years. Four or five shots worth of vodka or cognac every other weeknight. However, you're in good company. Late 20s and early 30s is when you see work in your late teens, early 20s take off. Getting coffee instead of drinks. That was two sober years ago. Weekends saw 72 beers go by, as I was drinking morning to night. So let's talk about your 20's. If it brings you peace keep it. But I also have TMJ issues and feel the constant issue of grinding my teeth made my jaw and cheeks look more sharp. I also had a fasting blood sugar of 101 when I was about 19. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 5 kg or ~10 stones), aiming to be 125 lb (~56. I think I tested out at 10. This subreddit is a place to motivate each other to control or stop drinking. If you are in your early-/mid- 20s, you can hit it hard for another 10 years before you start seeing health problems. Didn’t have much direction. I was married in my mid 20s, living in an apartment, not really spending time with anyone other than my wife and a couple neighbors. I like both, but 30s overall have been better. Around age 14 or so. For the better, for the MUCH better. Weight loss ended pre-diabetes and sleep apnea. No, I did not. I started to slow down by 22 because I was going into my last year at university and my best friend (and drinking parter in crime) was going to college in a different city. I take it you're in your thirties - make your thirties your twenties - don't make your forties your thirties. I am around 140 lbs right now (~63. People who were moderate to heavy drinkers for two or more years of the study were about 20% more likely to have a stroke than people who were light drinkers or did not drink alcohol. • 6 yr. Stay fit. 20 to 26oz of vodka plus 2 to 6 beers on the weekdays. Get drinks, barbecue together, invite them camping with your other friends, go to concerts and sporting events and riots together. Nah, you're not screwed. PerformerGreat • 10 days ago. The thing I try to remember is though, is that many of those people drinking like crazy probably also have drinking problems and are in denial or just don't realize. ~39 miles a day round trip 180 days of the year (I worked 4 day weeks), through rain, sleet, snow, heat, cold, whatever. First half drugs, loneliness and depression, second half just loneliness and depression. You’ll be thankful for it once you get older. I have ZERO regret. Didn't take uni, personal development, work, familyanything seriously. I strive to save at least $20/k per year in aggregate between Roth contributions, 401k deductions and personal savings. How much didn't really matter. First kid was born when I was 28, the second just before I turned 30. true. During the week was 24 beers (labatt blue dry, 6. Quit drugs for the most part at about 40 but kept right on drinking until I was 50. 20 beers every other night weekdays and both days weekend. Hair quit growing back in my later 20s, but I didn't care as I was already shaving it anyway. It helps me relax, it reduces my anxiety and helps me sleep. Jounas. I'll drink anywhere from 0 to 5 socially, depending on the company I'm with. Generally at 6 or fewer now and trending down. I'm 23 now and look exactly like my 16 year old me with my skinny body and cheeky face. It had more to do with dental health than sheer calories, though. Archived post. When I started drinking daily, like every day, I had a problem. so I got my body back into pretty good shape but the alcohol use was out of control. S. 2 10-oz cups in the morning, and occasionally one in the afternoon. It also increases your chances by a large percentage to end up with an alcohol use disorder later in life. 9874123987456321. Had been extremely exhausted for 1+ years before diagnosis. Besides having money, lol, just overall more comfortable in my skin, better life experiences, and being genuinely happy. -Eat well! If you do drugs, in the days where you don’t do them, you need to take care of your body. I would imagine other structures within the body experience similar change, and hormone/gland functions are different too. When I was in my 20s I was working 7 days a week in hospitality, going out until 4am every night, having crazy living arrangements because I was broke and it was all I could afford. I drank for 18 years, most of that was daily. In my mid-20s I took up biking to work full time. I would spend $200+ on a night out but would skimp on buying $15+ organic batches of fruit at the grocery store because they were "too expensive" I decided to not drink any soda for six months, because I was drinking way too much of it. Def not in bed before 1 or 2am on normal nights. No matter what happened in my life, if I had keys and access to a vehicle, I could always go somewhere to be at peace. Plus a couple of joints and 15 to 20 ativan during the day. I drank every day for 9 years - 21 years of age till 30. 28, I met my SO in late 2018 and she noticed how much I was drinking. My town, well before the city stepped in and said you couldn't do it anymore, had bottomless cups. My breakdown is as follows: 401k - $55k balanced in mutual funds. Too much drinking. 5 months in. Idk. Well I "wasted" my 20s studying my ass of and investing in myself. Crappy job. It will broaden your horizons, and enhance all other areas of your life. Lately some of my friends love to wax nostalgic about being in your 20s. We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for support, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit. Out of college, first job, 3 - 4 nights. I'm starting to feel like 40 and 50 aren't old either. Ir became a problem in my life 20's, got a lot worse from stress in my 40's and early 50'a. In hindsight that was probably very unhealthy and I don't recommend it. Yeah 9 to 12 every day. 6. leatherrecliner. But if I’m honest, I don’t feel or look all that physically different from my 20s. Been doing this pretty consistently for 8 years. Hopefully you’ll spend your 40s doing less working and more gaming. 5-10 beers is easily doable in your 20s, just see to it that you're not doing that multiple times a week. And then on holiday I'll spend most of my time drunk, having about 2 bottles of wine a day. Early 20s: In college off and on, worked various jobs to support myself. Long term travel can often help your career, as it gives you a broader perspective on decision making. And no, I don’t encourage blacking out at all. If you think you feel 'old' in your early 20's, you're probably confusing 'feeling old' with some other feeling. In the past five years or so, it was 4 or 5 high alcohol beers a day along with a shot or three of whiskey on weekdays, and about double that on weekends. I assume it slows down a bit as you get older. Everyone makes some mistakes while young, the difference is often who is honest with themselves and follows through with a plan to improve/change. You don't want to go to AA because reasons, and you don't want to go to a doctor because you don't want bad news. r/Entrepreneur. I didn't start making "real" coffee (fresh ground, brewed in an Aeropress) until I was 16 or 17. I was taking medication at the time which didn't allow me to drink alcohol. Most people don't care if you don't drink alcohol. I basically blundered through my 20s just looking to do what was perceived as the ‘right’ thing by my peers: Go out lots. 14. You can still go out with friends, just drink club soda or whatever. The question is "in an average day", not how much do you drink on average per day. You will remember more of your missed opportunities than you do your triumphs. We don’t have to drive there, guess we’ll drink. StellaFartois. I mean how did you spent all your time outside of that. Take risks, that's what your 20's are for. Remember when you could stay up late all night drinking and feel great the next day!”. 5-8 in my 30's, 10-12 in my early 40's, 15-20 in my late 40's and hospitalized with multiple internal damage @ 51. Though divorce is rough if you learn your lessons you can find real love again. The off-nights are spent sober. How bad can drinking hurt you in your 20s? I just stumbled on this subreddit searching for something about new years eve and a post someone made here came up. Both but different kinds of fun. Looking forward to 50s!! My husband and I drank as much as a lot of people in their early 20s did at the time, but not daily, I never had a second thought or a hard time stopping indefinitely. I read in an ask men over thirties post what to tell a brother turning thirty, they said your dating pool goes 20-30-40s. Sometimes 2 if I paced myself, but that's not really something alcoholics are capable of most days. Became more muscular through weight lifting, then got slim and toned. I'm currently in a "healthy BMI range, albeit the upper third. Then I woke up the next day and did the same thing. Never had any desire to do any other drugs then and still don't now. I would go through a bottle of Jager and Crown a week, not the medium or the small the largest size at the local liquor store. Pay $10 and get bottomless Wells and beers from 8-11. For a start I wish I had the balls and he opportunity to ask that question when I was 20 - so good on you for this post. That said, I’m well aware of how bad it is for me. I would drink gin neat to get the effect immediately. ms vo tl pd pu pe eh fh xa sv