Ex dating someone new reddit

59. Not in a oh-it-was-bad-communication-way, but directly ignoring my No's. My ex messaged me today to start bragging how he met a girl last week & went on two dates with her. he waited 20 days, or at least thats when i found out. While that might work for some, it doesn’t work for everyone. It eventually does leave your mind. The only reason we broke up was because we are going to different universities and didn’t want to do long distance. I went off to college and i didnt talk to her for 5 months. At first it's hard because you can't imagine anyone else in her place but with time it will be possible and the moment you realize that you are looking forward to meeting someone else instead of your ex, you will feel a hundred times better. They wish to maintain a friendship post-breakup. It's a tough one and depends on the individual, situation, and circumstances, I guess. And she’s basically a different hair colored version of me so I know it’s a void fill. You can’t deal with this unless you feel it completely. I know this is probably wrong, meaning that I should be happy for him about moving on and finding a new person that is good to him. He seemed incredibly excited to meet me, seemed so into me and we were both happy together. 2-3 months- who are they with what are they doing. It was great, I was happy But he never ever took me on a date. For context, I (18M) broke up with my ex girlfriend, we’ll call her B, 6 months ago. Beautiful, hilarious, witty, the whole package. I don't miss him. Also you just need to put it out of mind. Sounds like you've had a bit of a learning curve and figured out the difference between a crap boyfriend and a decent lad. I loved someone who didn’t love me like I deserve. Maybe eventually you guys can be friends, but focus on YOU for now. At that point, you're eating the same thing a few meals a week, you're watching the Ex is already dating someone new. We still follow eachother on instagram but haven't talked since then. Both are sad to hear, but just count your lucky stars that your ex is finally out of your life My ex fiancée is dating someone new but I want her back! We dated for around 7 years and she is the only woman I have ever been engaged too. It's only been 5 months since our very intense break up and my ex is already dating someone new. However, I just can’t bring myself to feel that way: I feel kind of resentful ADMIN MOD. It's so hard to find someone you truly vibe with in this world, why say no to someone just because you broke up with your ex 4 months before. This is something that has always bothered me because who wants to be with someone who is focused on someone else? Here is a great podcast episode for perspective: Dating someone new but can't stop thinking about your ex or situationship? 1. I felt like I was going to die when I found out, and it really set my recovery from the relationship back. Quick summary is we started dating at the beginning of our sophomore year in college then 11 months later, this past September, she broke up with me out of the blue. You can always give the warning before the date about stuff like , you're not looking for a relationship , it's just casual, things like that. Get app Get the Reddit app Get the Reddit app My ex and i didn't actually broke up but ghosted each other around 1. He is taking her to places just the same way he would have done it with me ๐Ÿ˜ญ. Ex reaches out, I try and do both but ex just reels me in and leads me on for nothing and once I broke it off with the new one the ex got what they wanted from me. Sort by: My ex understands that it’s unfair of him to come back around after such a long hiatus away and that he doesn’t want to overstep anything. Your mind will naturally show you the happiest times. Other times I remind myself I was a very good partner, they have trouble with intimacy, and will continue to have trouble. It is always worse. Because I’ve wanted them back since the day I broke up, I left because they said some really cruel things but I’ve since realized my mistakes as well and want to fix it all. Coping with something like this isn’t really possible, the only way So I (24f)just found out my ex (25m) is dating a new girl. While we were in contact there was flirting and such but it crashed and burned because we both understood that we weren’t together anymore. romantichart • 4 yr. I miss myself being a boyfriend. Personally, one of my ex's names I would avoid like the plague due to some really Why does everybody say their ex came back, watched their stories, texted again, wanted to hook up again etc while mine completely and totally erased me from his life? londonhoneycake I’m terrified I’ll never get over him. We kept in contact 3 months after breakup with some hookups and periods of no contact due to arguments. You can't believe they have moved on so fast, and you feel replaced. MissCathy05. I am relieved to be out of the relationship, but I am, of course, still mourning the relationship at times. Hit the gym, and hit on some girls. Found out my ex gf with BPD is already dating someone new after a month apart. This is tough for anyone to hear. Meeting the guy and seeing them together and seeing that he was a much better match for her than me is how I became okay with it. Here’s the thing, ive never had issues with my esteem until my ex came along. Nov 14, 2015 ยท In turn, what you can do is work on establishing a good bond with your ex. My ex (22F) and I (23M) have been broken up for almost 9 months. He never took me on a date but called me his girlfriend. • 7 yr. If you can clearly tell there's nothing there between them that would be of a concern to you, then i would say yes. My ex broke up with me, then i found out that the same day he was dating with other person, it makes me feel so bad : (. Curious as to people's opinions on this one. The vibes and banter were off the scale. I can’t believe how messed The feeling of being horribly empty makes sense. My ex is similar. Reply reply. He liked something of mine on social out of nowhere (he never did it before) and then later that evening, a girl commented on his stuff alluding to them dating. No calls, no texts, and block them on social media so you're not tempted to Facebook-stalk them. We dated for four years. Yes. I feel you been there after dating for 2 years she moved on within 2 weeks. This is primarily (in my view) because a relationship joins both your lives, so suddenly many mundane bits of your life are shared. Or be OK with losing them. nkwalker1. Don't try to erase those from your memory. -you're unlovable. And I know he liked my social as an The rule I've used is one week per month of dating. Time went on. It totally came out of left field because I thought he was the one. But if there was any uncomfortable awkwardness between them My (23M) ex-gf (21F) broke up with me for the second time 2 months ago. And if they did start dating then I know there has definitely NOT been enough time passed for my ex to fix what needed fixing That's how I feel about my ex-husband. Maybe the best possible solution is to believe what my ex said for now because they said during the breakup that they wouldn’t start dating again. and now he messaged me again and after a few days, he unfollowed/ unfriended me on one of my socials yet still If your ex girlfriend has got into a new relationship after your breakup. You cannot beg. Please help, I am dying inside. Its been barely two months since we broke up, they said they loved me but it took less than 7 weeks for them to move on. I broke up with her a little over a month ago and made the mistake of unblocking her today and saw pictures of a new guy she’s dating. is that person your clone? They’re not perfect and neither are you. Fearless-Flow-1640. My ex is now dating someone new around a few months post breakup and Im plagued with the thought that I was the girl BEFORE his end game relationship My ex is dating someone new and they look happy. EDIT: it's my first post on Reddit and people here are so comforting. I’d appreciate any advice you guys can give to help me out. It was a mutual decision and we stayed on good terms. SpiltMilk101. We’ve kept in touch and seen each other a few times but we both have been going on dates trying to meet new people. Those were his words, and against my better judgement I snooped through google’s activity history for her account that is still linked to my computer (I know this is This is what really inspires a sense of trust and causes them to want to get back together with you. In a few days it will have been 2 months since we broke up. But he left, dating someone else. He is always the one who's breaking no contact and when i asked him completely if he got a new girl he said yes and i feel so fucked up coz we just recently meet weeks after that. They’re seeing someone else right after the break up and you hate it. I can so relate to what you're going through, it's so painful. Dated met a new person, over the moon. I check his Spotify and automatically think every sad song about wanting to go back to a previous relationship is about me. You and your ex broke up for a reason. I don’t want her back, but it still makes me feel sick to my stomach AIO that my ex is dating someone new. 5 month ago. lather, rinse, repeat until time does its thing and fades the connection. And I hurt the new person in the process and myself even more so. Been broken up since June. Whether you meet someone new a month later or a year later, whatever. I’ve been working on moving on through therapy and all these things but it doesn’t help that it still stings. At one point, they loved you and chose you. Just because it stops you wondering what might be happening or what could happen between you two in terms of getting back together. CaptainTime. Maybe it’s only been a couple of days, weeks or months after the break up. My Ex is dating someone who’s better than me. I know others want to process and deal with all the emotions and trauma before getting in a new relationship. it's none of your ex's buisness and. Avoidant ex started dating someone new So it’s been almost a year since my ex (32M) broke up with me (27F). I thought I was doing better. We dated for 9 years so I'm having some mixed feelings about it. 3 months later, they’re officially in a relationship and happy, and she’s already meeting all his friends and family and Depends on the situation. Your new gf is gunna break up with u if u keep doing shit like this. we spent the whole week together , had an amazing time and it even gave me hope that we could fix what we had. She was seeing someone at the time, been going on for a few weeks. It’s so easy to think that they chose their new rebound or partner over you —but REPEAT AFTER ME: it has nothing to do with you. Is there any feelings still there for either party or are they clearly over each and just friends. As someone who spent months scrolling through this forum searching for positive reconciliation stories, subscribed to Matthew Hussey's mailing list, even started to believe the tarot readings on my TikTok fyp telling me that my ex was just 'on the wrong path', believe me when I So now, I'm single again. And I feel lonely. Nothing. 2- No contact is the best cut them off from everything. I think about him a lot. I’ve been doing really well but not going to lie, I saw an insta story tonight of her that she reposted by another guy. As you say, none of your business. He is weak. As we say in this part of the world, the only way to get over one is to get under another! I say fire away. he’s moved on to find his fit and you will too. A few day It would devastate me. appreciate why you are not together. I found out today only 5 months after our breakup. It’s so hard, but please don’t go re-evaluating yourself and the entire relationship. But he can't do it. Saw my ex with someone new. No one can replace u. Everything was going mostly great with my ex (the only weird thing was he seemed a little distant the past year). 1- Get your mindset right that u have to move on now and put effort there’s not point of Hanging on. We broke up on July 13th officially, he (20) informed me (20) he had been falling/fallen out of love with me for months already then a week or so… I was dating my ex for 3. I think I would want to know. It could be an attempt to torment or show off their new life or relationship. My last relationship lasted 3 years, and my ex also started seeing someone 4 months later (not someone he knew while we were dating though). If you date & become irritated with Mike, you'll have a funny story to tell. My abusive ex-boyfriend is dating someone new. If you know your ex is in a relationship. true. Everything that will make your ex realize, “Wait a minute, I always have the best time with… (you!)”. I broke up with my ex three months ago. He was alot more accomplished than me and i used to feel slightly inferior throughout the relationship. Incredible. The girl seems nice and my heart breaks at the fact that she might actually be the one for him. If you're open to reconciliation, discuss it openly with them. For some of you and maybe even most of you you may have found out that your ex is seeing / sleeping with someone new. Sounds like he doesn’t know what he wants, that’s why he tries to contact you. Here is the best tips to move on even tho u feel like giving up right now. •. Till this day I still have strong feelings for my ex and at this point I really have to let go. Consider re-establishing contact only when you're 100 percent sure you can deal with seeing them with someone else. Around 10 days ago he liked my story which was a cute pic of myself (it's a big thing for him since he doesn't like many stories ). I saw my friends more often, got a vacation job, worked out, made my home cozy, I even met a new girl I really connect with, although I'm not ready for anything serious yet. ADMIN MOD. It would depend how they behave toward the ex and why they broke up. engage yourself in things that build you up, not tear you down. I Need Advice. But now I found out my ex is dating someone else again. They may want to make you feel guilty about the breakup. If your ex couldn't see that, I know someone else will. So my idiot ex initially liked that I have ambition and am very career focused, however, he wanted me to give up my dreams to focus on building a family, so we broke up. Just found out my ex is dating someone new already. 5 years, living together for 3 of those. When your ex came back you should have shut him down immediately. Once a woman has moved on that’s that done deal. how do i stop caring? i don’t even want him i think i just feel betrayed My ex is dating someone else already. 1st month is like shock and disbelief. Especially during a breakup. I know it hurts. Few days later he stops texting/calling. you're clearly intent on having your ex continue to be a part of your personal choices. I did reach out when I found out and I really regretted it after. Had an ex of 4-months we broke up because of something she caused, a week after the break up we got back together, and the next day she broke up with me again, and the next day she got with someone else. He asked at least 3 times in the span of 10 minutes if I’m seeing someone & how happy he is. Being with someone new is just making me miss my ex. I know that we were awful for I found my ex is dating someone we broke up in 2012 I found out she been in a relationship for two years she said we can’t be friends because of our past I don’t care plenty of fish in the sea. Your partner should have no exes, which means he couldn’t find anyone and just settled for you, and a lot of exes, which means that he just a playboy anne there’s someone in his past who was better than you at everything. More hate ive had towards someone than ever before. even when we broke up he told me he wasn’t interested in dating other girls for a while which was obviously a lie. Tell yourself you deserve someone who wants the same things you do. Sometimes you have to stop the intrusive thought. There is nothing you can do. It only means that they're an insincere/unstable person, narcissist, or that they lack moral fabric. She said she didn’t feel the “spark” anymore and it was “unfair to me” to be with someone who is Just because your ex did that to you it does not mean that. 13 votes, 12 comments. He was a new immigrant to my country, broke and unemployed when we met, but got a job soon after. Ex- avoidant is dating someone new. She moved on so you should do the same. Thanks. We broke up last year, we had a bad argument and she said a really nasty thing about father who passed away a couple of years. I was doing better. Ex No Contact is a breakup support group focused on self-reliance and general healing. But we have a kid together so we had to have that interaction. So I’m currently living with my ex, relationship started to break down at the start of 2021. we dated a year. Reply. We were together for two years. My 24f ex is dating a 36-year old coworker, and from stalking her spotify it seems she’s very much in love. I loved her with all my heart and we had issues every now and then, like a normal couple, but we had little to no relevant fights overall. So I had a push pull dynamic with an avoidant me as an anxious attachment and while I know my nervous system would go off the rails when we dated due to his not responding to texts, disappearing - why does it still hurt when I hear talk about his new person as amazing and completely Stop comparing yourself to this new person because you are own person, and you are beautifully different. Don't care how good the connection is, that's a hard nope for me. For some reason out of nowhere I found myself intensely missing my ex over the past few days despite the fact that I had felt completely over it since it happened. Ugh. Maybe you'll date somebody for 3 months and learn a bunch and it simmers out and you'll approach him again, maybe he'll date someone for 12 months and grow to be better in his own way, or you'll enter a different relationships for 20+ years and you're both supporting each other and growing individually too. I'd only take issue if she were hateful to our children because that would actually affect me. Picture your ex. I don’t want to be sad anymore but I hate that I feel stuck. Recently my ex told me he was seeing someone and that it looked promising. I miss being a boyfriend, having someone to love, to make love, to do nothing without feeling guilty. At first it felt really shitty because he was emotionally abusive, and him dating someone 2-3 months after we broke up (due to him being emotionally abusive) made me feel like crap. On the other hand, there is a name of an ex-friend who I could literally never date someone with the same name. Ex bragging about dating someone new. He can only hold it together long enough to reel a new person in, but he can't sustain it. My ex broke up with me months ago , but we kept seeing each other , stayed friends with benefits , talked daily , he kept telling me he loves me. Yes, I personally think its bad if you're not completely over your ex and started dating someone new. If there's any chance of getting back with your ex, then don't date others. When your long-term ex starts dating someone new. 1. I went through the stages of missing her and then it went it to extreme hate. I broke up with an ex, I didn’t meet or get with anyone before 3 months later I decided I made a mistake and went to contact her and let her know how I felt. Add a Comment. -you're a bad person. "sorry i said that; i was angry" is not sufficient. -you're not pretty or handsome. I don't even want to meet new people, I feel like I'm not ready If you mean Start dating just means going out and socializing again, then it's ok. 3. To make things worse she’s practically an instagram model. I saw on facebook that he already is with someone new. Tried to work things out, but we confirmed us as over at the very start of October 2021. I started dating someone new about a month ago and she is great. I (28F) broke up with my ex (32M) 7 months ago. Forget your concerns and enjoy the new guy. I met a girl last week who strongly reminds me of an ex, the date was great, ended with a kiss, but during the conversation a few of her mannerisms, as well as her face and body type were triggering memories of my long term ex. What you are doing is unfair to the person you are dating. We dated just for 4-5 months but this is the hardest breakup I have ever been through because I couldn’t see it coming and there were no explanations as to why he just wanted out. That’s all. I looked at her page and she’s the kind of girl that gets hundreds of likes on all her selfies. Nervous that what we had wasn’t as real as we thought because they’re over here claiming someone new to be their twin flame, when that’s what we called ourselves. My ex-boyfriend of 4 years started going on dating apps and found someone new while he was still seeing me. If I was the girl you were dating I'd be pretty annoyed that you were having this internal dialogue. However, when we were dating, he regularly said that I’m the most beautiful girl in the world and am his dream. If it bothers you, be clear and ask them to stop contacting you. And left me again - Reassurance or whatever. Our members listen, support, and encourage each other on their path to independence. my abusive ex is dating someone new. I guess until I find someone else to fill that void and to focus my attention on then I won’t truly get over this But really, if you don't want to see it, your only option is to not look. . Vampire-circus. My ex is avoidant, we had a great 2 year relationship and poof she was gone dating a month later. Angry that he claimed to be so heart broken and abandoned but he had no trouble picking up another partner so quickly. I'd be ecstatic if he found someone who could love him like I couldn't. Move on with your new life and let the other one go. Shame on you!!!!!! I’ve been hesitant to date anyone with the same name as my ex. ๐Ÿ˜‚. it was October when we broke up, and those months we are "on and off" and it is really confusing. Uncoupling Journey. Even tho I don’t want to. That’s life. The past is past, if it was good, it would remain. He keeps saying he never felt like this before than asking if I’m dating anyone. Kooky_1234. Focus on affinity, laughter, exchanges…. If you date for 18 months, that's 18 months of doing lots of things together. If the other person still chooses to go through the day , then now it's on them. When to start dating someone new? We’ve all heard, “best way to get over someone is by getting under someone new”. Found out my ex met someone new weeks (possibly days) after we broke up, and is already in a new relationship. Basically all I can say it, you're gonna be alright eventually. Now I dated in October and saw someone for a few weeks that I used to work with, not a rebound (but accept that some . If you date & become comfy with a Mike, you'll come up with a fun nickname. Ex started dating someone new before our breakup. Thursday her ex-husband from before me texted me to let me know she had “already moved onto the next guy”. Ex already dating someone after 3 weeks. I want to call him when I’m drunk. You cannot offer her things, you cannot do a THING. In fact, people see how beautiful of a person you are now, so surround yourself with these people. Cut the ex clean. A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. He is only good when it's new and easy. She said she couldn’t go back etc. Of course, you want them to be happy, but that's the thing you'll hate admitting and My problem is that I can’t stop thinking about my ex. I finally feel good again, plus he got hit by a car ๐Ÿ˜‡ ๏ธ ADMIN MOD. My ex is dating someone a week after. I believe my ex is dating someone new I shouldn’t feel anyway about it because it’s been 6 months since we broke up but also only been 3 months since we went no contact. She was my first girlfriend, first kiss, first time having sex, etc. So if your ex is in a rebound relationship or when your ex starts dating someone new, what you want to do is you want to leverage the decoy effect so that they can absolutely see the benefits to getting back together with you. I think it's fine to date once the relationship is over. So you now have an idea of the best way to make your ex come back, even if they’re already with someone new. It’s hard not to compete with an ex to see who can “win the breakup” but as other posters have pointed out: dating someone so soon after a breakup can be a sign that an ex isn’t dealing with the emotions of a breakup. You're doing the right thing by breaking off contact with her. I’m a little overwhelmed with anxiety and I’m back to having this shakey breaths like when we first broke up. Fuck him. I dated my ex for three years before breaking up back in February. 50 days ago, I had to return to my home country because of visa issues and planned to stay here for a year. I’ve joked that apps need an option “You’re great but you have the same name as my ex”. My by broke up with me about a month ago. So while he doesn’t know what he wants, it’s not you. I dated my ex for almost 4 years and after the breakup I removed her out of my life completely. nonstickiowa. Ongoing support for break ups. 5 years) about 3 months ago when we started going out. I don’t know if I’ll ever be OK with them being with someone else. My ex came back - here's what I learnt. It’s not choosing someone else per se but not the right fit between you both. I have experienced this recently, not from me, but the guy I was casually dating got out of a long relationship (3. It’s a major blow to your when your brain starts wittering on in its sad and lonely way, accept that you loved that person. Dating while living with Ex. Throughout our relationship I was always worried that he’s going to find someone who’s way more accomplished So if your ex immediately dates someone else right after the breakup, chances are… that person is merely just a rebound for him to get over you quick because of the overwhelming emotions, or because he/she never really loved you in the first place. 4-5 months- a lingering depression in this stage you no longer want them back but you still may miss them. ago. My ex broke up with me and in less than 4 weeks he was posting on Instagram with someone new. I think break up outside of the 5 phases it’s like a cycle. i get it’s not cheating but i just feel betrayed in a way. Apr 13, 2024 ยท Go to the movies, go out for coffee, eat dinner in a nice restaurant, go for a nice walk in the park, or get tickets to a concert you’ve always wanted to see. Missing my ex while dating someone new. Dating someone who reminds you of an ex. -you don't have a good heart. Stop talking to her stop looking at her socials, just stop. I feel like I have to develop myself first, but it feels like a chore. The more you do that, the more you will fixate on them and keep them going in your head. I opened up my computer today to a journal entry from a year ago, where I said that I thought I was depressed a good majority of my relationship with my ex because of our toxic dynamic. Four years ago I (F20) had a boyfriend (M21) who was really nice most of the time, but he pressured me into doing things I wasn't ready to do. Anxious, angry that he could move on so quickly, AND that he's probably doing this to someone new, blaming myself for how he treated me 8. After a while, the new person is going to want what you wanted: for the relationship to progress - to become closer - to know where the relationship is going. I am still suffering and it hurts being replaced so easily like this. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. CW: sexual abuse New to this so I'll come right to the point. Thank you. I think you probably will too. She has been with him for less than a year, and it’s been bothering me. He officially broke things off me with a couple of weeks later. Go ahead. Logically think about it. In terms of getting back into the dating scene, the book Models by Mark Manson is amazing. I’m probably projecting but he probably just wants to know you’re still an option. I was with my ex girlfriend for 8 years, we got together when we were 13 until we were 21 and it’s now 3 years later. Try to work on not letting your insecurities eat at your self worth. THIS is why you shouldn't waste your time trying to make something happen with him. If he's not mature enough to handle "my ex is dating someone new" without insulting you and getting angry, he's definitely not ready for a healthy adult relationship. Read this if your ex appears have moved on or is dating someone new. I check his Facebook praying he and his new girlfriend have broken up. When he left me I felt like I was going to die. Award. Say their name and watch his/her face flash before your mind's eye. -you're not worthy. My ex is dating someone new. • 6 yr. lv kq yb to zd gg zz sf ih at