I like the group members, except for Chris who's kind of frat-ish. Obligatory sorry for the formatting. AITA for ruining game night by telling the truth? Not the A-hole. I spent hundreds of dollars on gifts and at least $100 r/AmItheAsshole. AITA for walking out of a wedding I was a part of and "ruining" the day? Not the A-hole. She takes pictures of food before we eat wether it's lunch or dinner and post them on her insta account. My wife and I recently got married. My daughter Bryn F9 is going on a trip to a nearby water park with her class next week. It was cruel. My ex-bf was a man child who I stuck myself with for 3 years because I was convinced he would magically grow up someday as long as I helped him. I (38f) had 2 work colleagues, Mary and Adam (both in their late 20s-early 30s). Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I don’t think I was TA here but I’ll let a collective third party judge. She loves water and has been talking about it for months, so I was a bit thrown off when she came home crying a few days ago and told me she didn’t want to go. I was very understanding and thought she needed time to get to know me. AITA for "ruining" my SIL's vacation after she ignored my message telling her that her husband is in the hospital? my brother (30) had a truck accident that left him paralyzed in 2019, his wife, my SIL takes care of him although, she complains all the time about normal stuff like him getting a fever, throwing up, needing help with feeding Judgement_Bot_AITA. As i read your AITA i immediately thought to myself, imagine what sges doing to her daughter all day. He was visibly upset throughout the day and it ruined our wedding. AITA for ruining Father's Day by causing a scene at my MIL's house? Not the A-hole. I (37F) have one daughter (8F) ‘Jenny’ from my ex-bf (36M). Firstly his family were late on the Friday (said Apr 29, 2024 · As for them blocking you, now you know that he's a snake. MOD • 1 day ago •. I am (19f) a college student. I was judged as: not the A-hole. But no, you are not getting paid or any kind of privilege out of it. AITA for ruining at a family dinner because of my “golden child” sister? Asshole. I didn’t check in advance r/AmItheAsshole. I just need the person who I send a message understand what I mean. She was receptive to what I said and showed empathy towards my feelings. I would just start staying away from them. This happened a few years ago and it recently came up again. "I am the parent I said so" . Not the A-hole. She mainly uses it for calling texting with friends and social media. AITA for “tricking” my SIL and “ruining” her skin? I dont even know why im posting this, I think its ridiculous but my SIL, MIL and my own mother think im TA. ). • 1mo • 3 min read. My parents are seasoned real estate buyers. The bride is unhappy and accused me of ruining the wedding since I could just not mention my daughter and that she was sad about the scene it caused. I got married at 24 and was the first of all of my friends, quite early for my area. The post “AITA For AITA for refusing to help rekindle my girlfriend’s friendship with our neighbour after she refused to help her in an emergency? upvotes · comments r/AmItheAsshole ADMIN MOD. She also explained that her “girls trip” was probably going to be her, J, J’s mom and maybe one other person. The FB thing, I agree not posting drama but I would make an exception in this case. My in laws are determined to make me the bad guy, and I just do not see it that way. We have 3 kids, Lucas (9M), Andy (8M), and Claire (5F). AITA for "ruining" my sister's graduation party. AITA for ruining someone's "special day"? I (46F) like giant pandas. One big rule we share is if our daughter breaks something, she pays for it. A catharsis for the frustrated moral philosopher in all of us, and a place to finally find out if you were wrong in an argument that's been bothering you. I always thought she should not have gotten another could because she can barely take care of the other one and most of the time asks other people to take care of them because she ADMIN MOD. My husband and I (30m, 30f) recently invited eight friends for lunch and were asked if we could also include a new couple, Doug and Sasha (both 30s). I (F17) have a younger sister, Emily (F16) Even though they don’t say it explicitly, Emily is clearly my parents’ favourite child. After planning together for a year, she got drunk with the bride and told her what we were planning, which she wasn't happy about. When I quit my job 2 years ago, she AITA for ruining my friends reputation over a joke. There are a lot of kids and stroller Moms and Dads in our neighborhood. I (24f) was with my ex fiancé N (27) since I was 13 and he was 15. g1r1yp0p. AITA for ruining the Holidays. Sister has also told Brad that she and Maisie are close and that Maisie lives far away. Since they live fairly close to my parents, I decided to drop by on Christmas Eve so they could see my son. AITA for “ruining” my sister’s christmas. In November my father (56m) passed away and it was a llisa1175. " Then the block hammer falls for mom, sister and sister BF. My daughter and I have been estranged for about five years now and have recently reconnected and are working on, slowly, repairing our relationship. AITA for letting my husband leave and ruining MIL's family photos? Not the A-hole. Not AITA post. It was a tremendous loss for him. this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. AITA for “ruining” my daughters graduation? Asshole. He was so excited when he joined a DnD group and met new people. So my (17M) SILs (29F), family are hosting a family gathering, They are big on family and they have room to invite literally everyone, which includes, my parents, my older sister AITA for ruining my teacher's career with no regret. Good for you for what you said - and don't forget that your parents sided with your sister. First, being on vacation with your significant other and messaging another woman the entire time is extremely inappropriate. So, for starters, the little"party" is planned at Christmas for 9 total people. She’s ruining the experience on her own. I also work part time to pay for other expenses. I thought this was unfair because I paid for 1 day ago · Sadly, that sounds like a good handful of parents. AITA for "ruining" a collectable toy? Not the A-hole. The gossip queens that attended the funeral told everyone Monday morning and by Monday afternoon he was in trouble with HR. I have a full scholarship that pays for tuition and boarding. my sister is 26 and has 2 children a 2 month old and a 2 year old. At the beginning Shirley had six bridesmaids (me AITA for not forgiving my MIL for ruining our wedding. ADMIN. AITA for “ruining” my daughter’s graduation? Asshole. As part of this she’s been airing out various grievances she’s been holding against me all these years as she doesn’t think holding AITA for ruining my fiancés fathers day. AITA for ruining a wedding . My husband and I each have 2 kids. My ex and her husband wanted to take my daughter and their kids to a trip. Some background, my family likes to play pranks with Christmas and birthday gifts it’s nothing new. It's 2 days, starting at the eve and ending late Christmas day. AITA for ruining my sisters vacation. Please don’t give her the opportunity to ruin yours any further. AITA for ruining my sisters gender reveal? Not the A-hole. We got engaged when I was 20 and about 6 months after we found out we were expecting. AITA for ruining my stepdaughter's surprise because my kids weren't included. I dont even know why im posting this, I think its ridiculous but my SIL, MIL and my own mother think im TA. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: 1- I told on someone 2- I may have caused a breakup for something she did not do. So my bf has a lot of good friends. Edit: Sorry for my English, it’s not my first language! I'm very sorry for your devastating loss. AITA for "ruining" my family's holiday planning? Not the A-hole. His mom however was still heartbroken about it. Throwaway for privacy reasons, also fake names. Backs story: My little cousin (Carlene) and my brother in law (Roan) are the same age (21). rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here AITA for ruining my wife's work and eating the food before she could take pictures of it? My wife runs a website dedicated for cooking and recipes. Sort by: Judgement_Bot_AITA. I'm honestly not sure why it is that she's always disliked me and been cold to me, but after multiple attempts over the years to build some type of relationship with her (we've been together for 4 years) nothing has worked. I’m a little bit confused. For context, I (M20) have had seizures on and off my whole life. They fell out of love and broke up. I know it irritates my husband, as he has talked to me r/AmItheAsshole. I'm on mobile and it's my first post on here. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: For ruining the family trip 2. AITA for “ruining” my sisters wedding. AITA for walking away from my sister’s wedding and ruining her reception? Not the A-hole. My ex’s family were complaining that they wouldn’t see our son on Christmas because I was going to spend it with my family. Last weekend I got invited to DJ on the cheap at a wedding for a friend AITA for ruining my daughters life. Background: My husband (27M) and I (28F) have been married for almost 6 years now. The other week, my childhood best friend and I were speaking AITA For 'Ruining' Thanksgiving Dinner? So, I come from a rather religious family that's very old school. They wanted me to share a sleeping bag with another family Remember that one kind of delightful AITA where the guy was judging his wife for buying a $300+ hair dryer even though she had boatloads of disposable income and long, styled hair that took forever to dry? AITA for ruining my work colleagues wedding and getting them arrested? The title sounds bad, but hear me out. Our families were initially amicable as well. Now, sis (27) and I are the only grandkids. Earlier this year, he lost his grandfather, who was a father figure to him throughout his life. After i got engaged a couple of years ago, me and my fiance had a weekend away at a nice town. I mostly DJ for just family and friends I’m not really a professional, just do it for a little side cash from time to time. I (26F) have two sisters, “Shirley” who is 28, and “Mary” who is 21. "AITA for ruining my friend’s engagement?" You didn't ruin it. I instantly became good friends with her and everything went naturally. First off im a healthcare worker and had to work 7p-7a christmas eve and christmas day and i still made sure to spend time with all my family 3 different houses just to not cause conflict or hurt feelings . •. Since then I got calls from mutual friends calling ME the asshole because I rubbed my luck under my ex noses. so, i (F19) live five hours away from my sister (F27), and as her MOH and sister, i’ve been helping with a lot of wedding planning (all of it has been over facetime). panicked and asked someone else for help, resulting in us not being able ADMIN MOD. AITA for ruining my wife's relationship with her mom. Recently she's been wanting a new phone because her phone was old and all her freinds have new phones. You never know what happens to them. My daughter hates going to trips with her mom. I (27F) have been married to my husband (29M) for 5 years. I would post OPs post from here except I would change the last sentence from AITA to "have a nice life and never contact me again. I am going to keep this light on details to avoid being identified so if I left anything out I'll try to answer. A few nights ago, I hosted a game night for a small group of friends (we had all been quarantining and following the proper guidelines in my county). AITA for ruining my fiancé's DND game? Not the A-hole. This is my first post, let alone AITA, so if the layout is incorrect, please let me know! TW: Child S/A and Mistreating Children ‼️. In the following months, a custody battle unfolded quickly, which we didn’t expect. He has Elise (16f) and Logan (12f) and I have Lola (12f) and Luke (9m). Both me and Layla are married, I to "Pam" (29F SquishySmush. SILs visit MIL at least once a week and help out with things like house cleaning and gardening. What your sister said wasn't a joke and it wasn't funny. We're friendly co-parents. For my birthday this year, I flew to Atlanta to see the only giant pandas in the US. Homophobic again, possibly assuming that Brad or his family also are. When the gates opened, the couple in front of me stopped (blocking the entrance) to take a selfie. Recently, my older sister (F26, who I'll call Sarah) got married to her husband ADMIN. Sister has spoken about Maisie often to Brad, implying that Maisie is straight, and in a relationship with a man named Kyle. Recently, my single brother-in-law, Chris, 38 M, has been hinting at me to introduce him to women and I refused. My in-laws are currently furious with me for hurting my brother-in-law's feelings and reputation with my friend group. She wasn't able to go to school and she was in and out of the hospital. Wishing you all the best as you welcome your child into your family ️. Things between this redditor and his father-in-law got heated quite literally when the latter served him food that was beyond spicy. AITA For "Ruining" my kid's life after she ruined a dress? Not the A-hole. AITA for ruining my sister’s honeymoon over what she said about my dating past? Long post, tend to ramble, sorry, TLDR at end. AITA for ruining Christmas Eve for my ex’s fiancée? Not the A-hole. Ex (31) and I (m32) had C, (F16) way too young. 05 BAC) that has no baring on the rest of his story, unless they finds that an excuse to drink and drive. . If she saw the original proposal plan and she's still sticking with him, then that just shows she likes snakes. NEVER EVER would i leave my child alone at home. Throwaway account and please don’t repost anywhere else. AITA for ruining "precious childhood memories?" Not the A-hole. My partner and I got married last Saturday and his mum end up making him cry on his wedding day because of her sulking, not speaking to us, and general demeanor on the day. Aunt never married. There were many people behind them this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. ) yelling about it at everyone. This is no longer “ruining her birthday“, it’s ruining your vacation. We have a 5-year-old daughter ("Alice") and I'm currently pregnant with our second child, a boy. My husband bought my older sister a $800 plane ticket to come back home to California to visit me and my family for my birthday and Christmas. It was only going to be 5 of us (including me), but one of my friends texted me last minute that she was going to bring a coworker That_Technician_9244. My husband (Bill) gave his brother my other cousin’s There have been mil’s on just no mil,that have literally thrown themselves down the stairs to ruin something their son and dil planned, like a birthday or anniversary, or a trip out of town, or they’ve done it just for attention and to make the son feel guilty. My parents aren't super religious, in a go-to-church-don't-use-the-Lord's-name-in-vain sort of people, but they're still believers. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. I don't know wtf he's doing. I know it irritates my husband, as he has talked to me ADMIN MOD. Her husband Aaron (36M) has his own startup company built from scratch and is quite a workaholic. She has the “right” to invite who she wants, but if she wants to exercise it in a flagrantly discriminatory way, she’d better be prepared for others to have some feelings about it. Feb 11, 2022 · Titled, "AITA for ruining my wife's work and eating the food before she could take pictures of it?," the viral post has received nearly 12,000 votes and more than 3,000 comments in just seven SAW80214. He was my first love, my first everything. This is massive red flag behavior. My daughter was set to graduate college and wasn’t too excited about attending her graduation. AITA For Not Apologizing about it? I will try to make it as short as possible, but it is a lot so bear with me. So, I had a conversation with my cousin a couple of days back. My future MIL has never been a fan of me (26F) for the entire duration of mine and my fiancé's (29M) relationship. aita for ruining my sister’s wedding. she allowed all the bridesmaids to pick their own dresses as long as they stuck to her theme —light yellow Spot on. My grandparents on my dad's side, however, ARE that type of religious people, which is where my lack of ADMIN MOD. ( this post has been edited: I wrote it originally at 2 am while very emotional and exhausted, made less sense, typos, missing information) So I ( 19m) accidentally slept with my best friend of Substantial_Deer9206. Claire is currently 8 months pregnant, our son being expected to be born in November 2023. Long story short: my cousin uninvited my BF from her wedding out of the blue, without giving a plausible explanation and not even calling herself, but sending her mother to tell my mother who ultimately told me. Wasn't that wrong with my presumption. If more information is needed just ask in the comments, im happy to answer . We gave her a phone two years ago it was an old iphone 8 of mine. AITA for 'ruining' dinner over a spelling mistake? Not the A-hole. wedding_crasher200. A bit ago, my parents talked to her mom (who is a real estate agent) about housing market in general. Third, trying to SNEAK OFF at 2 in the morning to meet her is cheating. My husband has a big family, 4 sisters and a brother, and they are all very close. moonturtle766. AITA for “tricking” my SIL and “ruining” her skin? Not the A-hole. It seems like it was a mix of her own AITA for not telling my friend I'm gay and " ruining " his relationship. ORIGINAL: AITA for ruining Thanksgiving? I (30f) met my bf (30m) 3 years ago. This isn't our first pregnancy though. I dated my ex-boyfriend "John" for four years, and got serious enough where we starting planning for our future (wedding, kids, etc. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. ThrowRArushel23. I (f21) as well as my 5 siblings (from 29 to 37 years old) have all been pranked on our birthdays and on Christmas and usually it’s one or two gifts. There's a zoo nearby so we spent the day there while we were close by and had a wonderful day. I'm 22 years old. The whole statement that they could legally drink until they had . Her and I sat down and talked, and as many of you suggested I laid out my thoughts and feelings to her as I had in my post. Nothing serious, but I recently got a service dog named Sully for my safety. There is no need for OP to be responsible for all the costs that arise if they are only providing accommodation. My bf then became maid of honour. I am a mom to a two year old. Sorry for bad grammar/format I’m doing this on a phone. AITA for ruining my sister in laws bachelorette party? Not the A-hole. AITA for ruining things between me and this girl? I haven’t really hung out with this girl but started talking to her this year. TW: Miscarriage. r/AmItheAsshole. We have AITA for ruining a proposal at a wedding? Not the A-hole. Sitting in front of the tv and let her baby cry in another room or some shit. I have been with my fiancé for 4 years and have been engaged for the past year. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here ADMIN MOD. AITA for "ruining a decade-old friendship for money". Shirley’s getting married, and her naturally bossy and controlling nature has caused few dramas in all the months of planning. He's a bit anxious and doesn't easily make friends. Some of her reasons are that They get one room for all the kids(her half siblings are F17 and M8 ) and she hates sharing a room with them I 29F apparently ruined christmas for my family and personally i don’t see how . AITA for possibly ruining the holidays and the relationship with my in laws? Not the A-hole. 015. So, I, 15f, have finally had enough of my brother's teacher/ my ex teacher. So, I (27m) am a part-time DJ. Before me he was together with his HS sweetheart. I wanted to pour a new walkway from the end of our driveway (which terminates in our front yard by the sidewalk) around the house to our backyard, where we have a nice little garden and gazebo set up. Story by Dominyka. My fiancé (29 M) plays DnD, and while it's not my (31 F) thing, I obviously don't mind. 05 BAC is 2 standard drinks, and it takes 1 hour to lower intoxication by 0. I've (36F) been best friends with Sarah (36f) since high school. We hung out at school everyday for 3 months. Shortly in 2022 we had broken up and seen other people but then got back together in October. AITA for ruining my friend’s wedding photos by wearing glasses? Not the A-hole. Second, asking to meet up with this woman, alone, at 11 at night is inappropriate. So my (17M) SILs (29F), family are hosting a family gathering, They are big on family and they have room to invite literally everyone, which includes NTA. Mary started in the company first and then she got Adam to join, they worked in different departments and Mary was in mine. rules: don't berate others and no pornography we have children here this is a community like r/AmITheAsshole except unlike that subreddit here you can post interpersonal conflicts, anything that's AITA but is not allowed there even posting about Scar from the lion king and trying to convince redditors that he was not the AH. I (27F) and my wife (27F) recently had a fight with the moh (30F). Choices have consequences. I'm just looking at some of the AITA from teens (Yes, I'm aware some are fake) Take full responsibility for your siblings all day long. My boyfriend and I are 28 years old. So I thought the iphone 13 would be a good option as it's 600 dollars Jolly_Ad3178. We always had a good relationship for decades even though we moved to far away cities. Judging by the 14 hour flight, you’re no where near Japan and this was a big undertaking to make it a great trip for the both of you. This happened a month ago but I'm still confused about how I reacted so I want to know if I'm in the wrong here. For some context I (28M) and my wife, Claire (25F) are expecting. AITA for 'Ruining the Family Gathering' over a 'joke' my sister made? Not the A-hole. Naturally, as an extremely rough sleeper, I asked about sleeping arrangements. One couple got engaged and both wanted him as maid of honour/best man. Once I got there, Stella approached me and asked me why I wasn’t wearing my bridesmaid outfit. I Arrived 10 min before the zoo opened and waited in line. AITA for 'ruining' my sisters wedding by bringing my service dog? Not the A-hole. A year later we started dating. Confused, I asked what She’s ruining her own wedding by rolling out the red carpet for the biggest assholes on both sides. 05 BAC and drive without getting in trouble (full license, can drive with . A friend of a friend got married at 25 and had a baby in the year after and she was the first/youngest pregnant person I knew, very young for my area. My mum was super strict and a helicopter parent, so we fought a lot over my grades and the For context, this year was the first time we would try the "elf on the shelf" with our kids. I 25f type very fast on my phone and sometimes have spelling errors/grammar mistakes, but as this is a text, I don't think it's that important. Throwaway account for privacy. Elise was very sick this past year. For visiting friends and family, they need an Invitation Letter which states that the friend/family is responsible for accommodation for the duration of their stay, including all the details of entry and exit. Background: I (30M) have a sister "Layla" (28F). I am very nearsighted, so I wore glasses to the wedding. ADMIN MOD. I can understand why they’re proud of Emily: she is a straight A student, has the lead roles in student theatre ADMIN MOD. He had multiple schemes going on at his workplace with a need for a medical lift bed for grandma and got his coworkers to donate around 8k in total. to be honest, I'm annoyed by having to wait so long for her to "get the perfeft shot" of the I am actually wondering if OP is omitting something. For context my fiancé (28m) and I (26f) have been together on and off for 5 years we have one son together and in august we welcomed our second baby into the world. I (30f) was a bridesmaid at my best friend’s “Stella’s” wedding a few days ago. Me 13m have a friend also 13m we go to the same school we were really close but in 7th grade we were in different friend groups and not as close as we used to be we were in the same class though so one day it was the last period and he said to around 5 kids spread the rumors Jhon (me not my AITA for "ruining" my ex wife's trip? My ex and I have a 14yo daughter together. We planned this small intimate family pajama party to celebrate mine, my younger sister’s, my nephew’s, and my dad’s birthday which all fall on the See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! AITA for "ruining" my mum's engagement party after she abandoned me when I was 11? I (17M) have a strained relationship with my mum (35F) after an incident that happened about six years ago. I thought we were pretty happy, but last year he dumped me pretty suddenly. Moh. jz kv gp sr fa xz dh ww wr nk