4 day powerbuilding program reddit

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The 4-day split is typically introduced once progress on SS has stalled out which you are experiencing on the press movements (which always seem to stall first). Thanks in advance! Advice I Ran Jeff Nippard's Poerbuilding 2. ThatEntrepreneur1450. Ideally wanting to not neglect any muscles and maybe do some cardio on separate rest days. x4 (hook and straps) -> 585 lbs. Also perhaps 6 days per week training isn’t the best idea unless you followed maybe a 3-4 day program with 2 days of gpp (upper back work, cardio, arms) according to the recommendations provided by said program. 77% to 105% of 1RM. Monday. Yes sir. I've read the wiki and hours of articles from various fitness websites and apps. I ran this program after a 4 month bulk. I have put on decent size but I feel like my Day 1 - primary squat + squat and bench accessories Day 2 - OHP with OHP and deadlift accessories Day 3 - primary bench with bench and squat acc Day 4 - primary deadlift with deadlift / ohp acc The weekly program updates every sunday and the app helps you track your progress. Auto regulation keeps the load challenging. Really enjoying it and it’s free! I’m on week 9 of Jeff Nippard’s Powerbuilding program 4x a week and I love it. I often did a fifth day anyway and in hindsight I probably shouldn't have. Monday - Rest. Tsa is a power lifting program. Thanks guys Structure: There are 5 full body workouts in a week. $10 gets you four programs (I think) and a program builder. Hi everyone! After doing bodybuilding for the past year or so I ve been wanting to try out powerbuilding anybody know a good 4-day split ? Thanks in advance 馃檹. Overall I would say this program is pretty good, probably a 7/10. 0 Program Twice: Review. But i have no knowledge yet. My leg day training volume is north of 30k pounds and arm day volume is around 22k pounds. Sep 6, 2021 路 The Kizen powerbuilding program includes: 6x per week training sessions, big three lifts (squat, bench, and deadlifts) near big three variations (not unlike GZCL programming) 3 separates days of accessories and super sets. For example, my squat day looks like SQUAT 1x3@ 90%. A: 2 x 4-6 reps. Weeks 9-12: 7 sets x 3 reps. 2x2@92. It's a late intermediate to advanced 3/5/1 program that follows a 4 day split with Squat, OHP, Deadlift and Bench as your main lifts per day. My stats: H: 5'7 W: 150 Bench: 195x5 Squat 225x5 Hex DL: 280x5. Then followed by working sets at a less percentage. Day 1 - Heavy bench (5x3), light squat (3x10), back excersize and 2 or more accessory excersizes that compliment both main lifts. So. Edit - bad formatting. Ideally I would squat 2x, bench 2x and deadlift on pull day. I find the movement pattern really awkward, likely due to my proportions which aren't very different from Ben's, so maybe it's just not for us long legged dudes. 10 Weeks. I am looking for powerbuilding 4 day split. I like to go to the gym 5 days a week and can’t seem to find a 5 day program that focuses around bench, squat, deadlift, OHP and barbell rows and lets me squat 2x week. I'm 8 weeks into this now and enjoying it. Also, that program you posted is extreme. Weeks 5-8: 6 sets x 4 reps. 0 and 3. ago. I immediately went AMRAP and hit 5 reps. Nobody loses gains by resting 2 extra days, it may infact be even better. I have ran smolov Jr, but 2 weeks in my tricep felt like it was going to fall off. Program Review. Start your workout with one of the main (powerlifting) lifts, Squat, Bench, Deadlift. Results: Start bodyweight: 108kg. I was looking at PHUL but I really don't like to have a leg or upper day (I'm a total body These could also be used as accessory slots to help drive weaknesses in other lifts (like if triceps were a limiting factor on your bench, you could do some close-grip benching here instead). x3 (over under) I made the switch to Powerlifting AI after my first general strength block of Powerbuilding, because I had a meet planned for Feb 2021. Powerbuilding. Bench: 360x1. 0, PHUL, PHAT or I'm not even sure if you can call it a powerbuilding program as it's very strength focused. Added 30kg on my DL & squat, 20kg and bench and 10kg on OHP. You squat and bench 3x a week, the 1st time being a top set followed by a back off set. Hi Powerbuilders, I acquired the Kizen 16 week Powerbuilding Program. I was wondering if the Jeff Nippard's powerbuilding program is worth buying? If so should I buy the 4 day or the 6 day program? 6. Can be run as a 10 week program if not peaking OR a 12 week program if peaking for a meet (last 2 For myself (@ 400 wilks) i'd be doing (5 day split) 1: Squat/Bench + Upper Hypertrophy. Anybody know any good 4 day Powerbuilding Programs that can be done within an hour and use Submax training? Most popular 4 day split is UPPER/LOWER. This was fatiguing. Squats, Front Squats (optional), Romanian Deadlifts, and some Calf exercise sets with 10-20 reps. Also keep in mind when you program squats and deadlifts that very heavy squats really smoke the posterior chain, so doing masses amounts of deadlifts is counter productive. Day 4: Lower body. After you’re done progressing linearly I recommend running his 6 week program or squat program as well. Is the 531 BBB on Boostcamp but with hypertrophy Candito linear program is always a solid choice for your first program, there’s a couple variations but i really like the power/control program, emphasizes good form. I recommend the intermediate program, as the excel sheet is really easy to follow, and will be modified depending on what you select as your weakpoints for squat, bench and deadlift. 2 times a week each muscle. Then I do 3x10 or 4x12 of light work such as leg extension, leg curl, calf raises. It's highly customisable 3-6 days a week. Does anyone have a program that’s centred around the above stuff? May I steal it? 2. It's a matter of becoming big and proficient with the lifts, not whether you're running 531 BBB: Beefcake, 531 "Polkov Edition", Juggernaut Method, Jacked and Tan 2. I remember when he first came out and I was in awe of how he'd contradict himself every week based on n=3 studies. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. The reason is, all good programs will have the same elements in them. e. Sep 12, 2021 路 One set per exercise performed to failure, using rest-pause, forced reps, static holds and negatives when possible. B: 2 x 6-10 reps. POWERLIFTING. I have learned that 4 days is too little for me and I need 5 days. From the spreadsheet: The goal is to not burn out on competition movements so as to hit each day fresh and able to hit a rep PR. Highly recommend!! 6. What do you think? Workout split for reference: I'm currently running Stronger By Science's Hypertrophy 2. But this platform allows to hear personal opinions and tips one on one. But for me, I really don't like training upper and lower split. Current bodyweight: 99,3kg. Good call actually. I’m tempted to add in accessories like latteral raises and chest flies, but that defeats the purpose of a program. Some parts were very difficult (first week comp squat 3X8 @ 75%). If you want to stay small, follow a small guy. Squat 3x5 - 5x3 - 5x1 progression cycles (see notes below for what this means) DAY 4: A) Leg Press, 6x10-12 B) Seated DB Press, 4x10-12 C) Romanian Deadlift, 3x8-10 D) Lateral Raise, 4xAMRAP E1) Tricep Pushdown, 3x12-15 E2) Rear Delt Cable Fly, 3x12-15 Reply reply WannaSeeTrustIssues 4 day powerbuilding split? Mon Upper body, Tues Lower body, Thur Back and chest, Fri Leg shoulder and arms. High frequency bench IMO is something that takes time to work into and shouldn't be done unless you have great form and strong tendons. Meanwhile you’ll get in your volume and back-up work on non-competition movements to strengthen weak points and build muscle. The rest of your workout you train as a bodybuilder. Back on consistently for about two years. I know my squat sucks, various issues but working on it. Every week there's incorporated a top set with a goal of X RPE. I suggest doing 5x5, it's more universal. Hoping to not neglect any muscles and maybe do some cardio on separate rest days. Just for example, for pulling, you could do 5x10 chins one day, curls one day and rows one day. Day 2 - heavy OHP (5x3), light deadlift (3x8-10), back and 2+ accessories Day 3 - Heavy squat, light bench, back and 2+ accessories Day 4 - Heavy dead, light OHP, back and 2+ accessories Fill in running in between. I have been training since august 2022, I eat around 3-4k calories a day, I have around 500-600 carbs a day along with 130-185 grams of protein a day, I turn 18 at the end of January and wanted to bench as much as possible before I turn 18 hens why I ran the smolov program 2 times, I was planning on running it 3 times in total with a week break between each cycle but I realised I can’t do it May 31, 2024 路 You can gain muscle and strength at the same time — you just need the right program. "Give me a powerbuilding program," "Too much volume,please make it no more than 4 movements per day" "Focus on a big compound moment first each day" "Good programs have a progression built in . So it's 3x5 and then I do bodybuilding exercises for 3x10. Doing a 4 day week and 3 days of cardio and got plenty of energy still. Push; Pull; Legs; Push; Pull; Legs; 1 hour: Free: 12-week program; Updated version built into an app; Trains the push, pull, and leg muscle groups twice per week Jan 26, 2010 路 You will need 2 full weeks to finish a complete cycle of this workout. The 10 week squat program (a 5 week program run 2 times) in the link i'm posting here has found a place in my heart. Just read the book Base Strength which talks about building your own program and has a number of example programs in it. The program has an upperbody version with the Pushpress as the main lift 2 times a week, with the bench as a secondary lift (but you can just switch places with the push press and OHP and the I would combine the UL of a program like PHUL with a PPL program. To summarize: U: Bench 5x4-6, Heavy upper body accessories. It should be noted that I did the four-day-a-week version of this program both times as I have had to balance training with attending university during a global pandemic. WEEK 7, 8 AND 9. Trying to make 5lb jumps on upper body movements is NDTP. strength realization), and intensity. Yet like Phase 1 it delivered. Note: Feel free to switch up the accessory lifts if you don't have access to certain equipment or if you want to target certain muscles more or less than we have. Reply. I’m on week 5 of Bullmastiff by Bromley. Upper-lower week is more bodybuilding-style and you only do your primary exercise 1x week with generally more volume. I was thinking about combining days 3 and 4 (i'm not worried about little less gains to my ohp and deadlift) together and splitting some accessories for arms to my lower day from day 4 and quad and hammies accessories to upper day from day 3. Leaves me just a little sore but I take stretching and recovery seriously. I will (and still) hit: 6-8 Sets (6-10 Reps)for Chest,Back and Here's a 4-day a week PowerBuilding program to help increase your 1 rep max: Day 1 - Squat and Upper Body Squat - 5 sets x 5 reps (heavy weight) Bench Press - 5 sets x 5 reps (heavy weight) Overhead Press - 3 sets x 8 reps (moderate weight) Chin-ups - 3 sets x max reps (bodyweight) Day 2 - Rest Rest and recover. SQT: 405x1 -> 382. AMRAP sets are used to test and adjust 1RM when moving to a new phase. The results regarding SBD strength was decent, but size gains weren't significant. What do you guys think about powerbuilding, is it legit or just hype? Hi guys, I’m looking for a 4 day powerlifting workout program, with accessories that won’t take me longer than an hour or so max in the gym. Dec 9, 2021 路 To do this, it incorporates a dynamic system of three different workouts each week: a high intensity day, a high volume day, and an active recovery day. Enter our powerbuilding workout routine. After you run ~2-3 cycles of this (about 6 months worth of training for most people) you can move onto a percentage based program to continue making steady gains. Just make sure to keep the major lifts in your powerbuilding program. Week 1 would be Upper-lower-Upper and week 2 Lower-upper-Lower. Does anyone have the Jeff Nippard Powerbuilding phase 1. So there's some heavy back work too. I have been training with this split most of the time. With sets, reps, rest, and a field to enter the lbs/kg you lift. It's a full body routine that I have set up for 4 days a week. Currently running a -500kcal/day deficit. Hi all, I just finished up Barbell Medicine's Powerbuilding I template and thought I'd share my experience since there aren't many BBM program reviews in r/weightroom . I currently just do my main lifts 2 days a week. You can probably kiss the idea of split training while aiming for powerlifting meets goodbye though,as you'll most likely do atleast two of squat/bench/deadlift per workout, if not all 3 multiple times over. 6 day program. While the lack of specificity may not make this a good program for meet prep, it’s a good choice for lifters looking to Fri: Pull Day - Weighted Pull Up as the main lift Using 3 week waves on the main lifts (4x5-deload-3x4-deload-2x3-test; except for OHP and Pull-Ups that I do 4x5 with linear progression and pre-programmed deloads); double-linear progression on accessories/isolation (5 to 20 reps depending on the excercise); 1RM tests (AMRAP for OHP and Pull-Up I've currently been stalling but I think it might be due to my program. Intensity. If you do that program properly it's just way too much work. x4. Today, I started with deadlift at 90%, which was 515. Before this, I had four years of on and off fuckarounditis, then I ran about three months of Stronglifts, then six months Aug 21, 2021 路 Program Length. I would like them as well. At a snapshot, Brogains powerbuilding is a 5x a week program that has you squatting 3x a week, benching 3x a week, and deadlifting 2x a week. I have run Jamal Browners program and it was amazing. I have customed a program that uses two different types of progression schemes. And for bench or press day, ill do 10x5 of either dips or pull-ups then triceps extensions or bicep curl circuits. My stats prior to beginning Jeff Nippard’s 4x Powerbuilding Program. The program definitely has a Powerbuilding bent to it. Tuesday - Rest. My joints need rest though so it should be a welcome change. I finished phase 1 of the program a couple of weeks ago. I'm an kinda a intermidiate lifter been training on off for about 4 years I'm 16 y/o, 175cm (5'9) and 75kg (160lbs). Age: 25 -> 26. 1. You should now make one day Bench Intensity/Press Volume and the other Press Intensity/Bench Volume. About me: Male, 24, 6’1”, ~205 lbs. x5 -> 345 lbs. During these 2 weeks you will workout 8 times, performing 4 strength workouts and 4 density workouts. I have spent a few hours doing all the Excel calculations so all I’ll have to do is edit one thing every day. Aug 21, 2021 路 The PRIME powerbuilding program is a 4 week training routine designed to increase the one rep max of the squat, bench press, deadlift and overhead press and build muscle mass. I did however recently change to 5/3/1 because 17 main sets were too much after a while. Results: It’s pretty much a “powerbuilding lite”program in my opinion. I'm guessing your using boostcamp. The program is based on ending your final week of doing sets of 5, 3, then 1 max rep set. 27 years old, 150lbs. Program Overview. I was wondering if anyone can suggest me a 4 day split. It's heavily inspired by Jim Wendlers Leviathan program. M 33 BW 173 H 6ft S305 D385 B240. The 2nd time, there are 2 variations of the squat and bench that alternate each week. It really packed on meat on my legs. 6: Upper Hypertrophy (include some sort of heavy pressing) 7: Rest. Bullmastiff looks like a good one to run also. Hello! I’m struggling to find a good program that fits my goals currently. . Good stuff. This program splits weeks, with odd weeks being more I ran the full program as written. 90% of 595 is 535, so I finished my last 5 reps (because I still have to hit a total of 10) with 535. Sometimes RDLs, or goblet squats or front squats. My priority is like 60:40 strength to aesthetics. You should post your routine inthis type of case. Would love advice on this as I'm unsure if Stronger by science hypertrophy program. This is somewhat similar to what u/BigCoachD is doing with his two SBD days and two assistance days. 4,6. Does that seem odd to anyone or is it just me? Shitloads of sets of three and four for squat and bench (Sheiko) is NOT hypertrophy work, even if it can/will lead to some growth. Thoughts on my gym’s 4 day split powebuilding program? I’m new to programming, and wanted to get some opinions on whether or not this program would help me get stronger, if it’s too much accessory work, and if it’ll increase my current maxes (S:330 B:207 D:407). May 9, 2024 路 Weeks 1-4: 5 sets x 5 reps. Then 50 reps of isolated stuff. Putting on strength as well as size. Share. Powerbuilding program. 5-105% (or maybe further, it depends on your current strength level), then take off 20-15% of your new max and start again (simple lp) 46K subscribers in the powerbuilding community. So its already a 6 day split by nature. 5×5. T1 10 reps above 85%. 5%, 3x1 95%. Deadlift: 565x1. The 1RM for the squat was the most recent, and the 1RM for bench was the oldest. Strength is my priority but would like to build some extra mass. C: 2 x 10-12 reps. Start the day with heavy chin ups. BarBend 10-Week Hi guys, I’m looking for a 4 day powerlifting workout program, with accessories that won’t take me longer than an hour or so max in the gym. (1 heavy session, 1 volume session, and 1 alternate lift or 'medium' session). The only one I’ve really come across is the SBS paid/free programs. Lower and upper body workouts are color-coded for ease of reference. Jul 23, 2023 路 Included in this 27-page PDF are: All the exercises of the Big and Strong Powerbuilding program 4-day split. These are done every training day. NO GEAR! I was previously doing a strength training routine 5x5 and 5,4,3,3,3 centered around the core compound lifts. I try do most of my sets till failure but I might have 1-2 RIR sometimes. Do 2 sets of squats, 6-10 reps, 1 Quad exercise, 1-2 Hamstring exercises, and a Calf exercise. I would greatly appreciate some help and tips creating my own powerbuilding program/routine. GOAL IS TO DO TWO (2) SETS OF AN EXERCICE FOR EACH MUSCLE GROUP. overhead press, or a second squat day; Compound Sets x Reps: 4-5 For heavy exercises, choose between 5x5 - 3x6. 3 days in a row - REST- 2 days in a row - REST. Helps you build your own powerlifting program. 197 votes, 23 comments. SPF Powerbuilding Program Overview. Wednesday - Chest Day (Density) Thursday - Back Day (Strength) Friday - Rest. Training arms shouldnt be an issue on a ppl split as thats half the point of the split. Typical story, been lifting for a while on and off. I will use jim wendlsr 5 31 progression and continue with assistance work. Reddit rookie! 4 Day Split over 9-10 Days. westside barbell has tons of free articles to read through about that style of program. sets of 4-6 for bench and squat on UL and 8-10 on push and pull. I think the biggest change will be going from high frequency training at 6 days a week down to a 4 day split. I just do gzcl with an extra day dedicated to arms, abs and calves. 0 excel files? EDIT: Answer in the comments by u/Xeno2206, get it while it still works! Much appreciated. It's a PPL split (see below). 4 day split. L: Squat 5x4-6, heavy lower body accessories. So I switched from a powerbuilding Arnold to PPL split for the past 2 months and whilst I really like how it is headed, I realize 46K subscribers in the powerbuilding community. Bench: 315 lbs. Check up 5x5. 5kg to my deadlift. Now this was dull. Then 10x3 @ 75%. 3 day or 4 day program; Squat, bench, and deadlift each get their own day (bench 2x on the 4 day version) Major lifts are trained between 67-69% of the athletes 1RM 6 days is excessive. I am focused on getting bigger and stronger and want to hit 1/2/3/4 for reps. Squat: 510x1. Height: 189cm. 5/3/1. This program splits weeks, with odd Apr 10, 2019 路 Powerbuilding Workout 1: 5-3-1. For the first exercise (bench, squats and pull-ups) I go very hard and intense while mixing up the ranges every day. I gained roughly 6kg and added 10kg to squat, 5kg to bench and 7. The exercises you use are up to you. A nice way to start is just a regular Legs, Push, Pull program. The 3 other days I am doing GPP, such as body squats, pull-ups, pushups, and ab wheel. Or for simplicity jump straight into 531. It’s a good book and right now I’m running the Bullmastiff program in it. 4: Rest. high (er) reps and more isolation work. The 5-3-1 workout method was founded by Jim Wendler, who created this training style (actually called Beyond 5-3-1) because he was tired of being a fat powerlifter. Madcow 5×5 Workout Program The Madcow 5×5 Workout Program is an advanced take on the well-known Stronglifts 5×5 plan that incorporates more accessory exercises for muscle mass and utilizes Day 2 Barbell Squat 3-5x 3-6 Barbell Alternating reverse lunge 3-4 x8-10 (or Bulgarian split squats/variations) Leg press (3-5x8-10)- usually superset with reverse crunches or planks or wheel roll outs because I get bored as fuck with Core work 馃槀. This program splits weeks, with odd weeks being more Ran it after SL5x5. For example, the last 4 days, I've been calculating my deadlift based on a 1RM of 570. Get the books (Beyond 531 and Forever 531) if you go this route. Current maxes are 100kg bench, 140kg squat and 200kg deadlift. Strength work is very demanding on the CNS. I really like Push/Pull/Legs but I don't have 6 days to work out. Look strong, be strong. x5 -> 505 lbs. I have never tried to work around a powerbuilding workout, it seems much more difficult than a classic hypertrophy training; in particular I really can't calculate volumes with this high intensity. 4-Day Heavy/Light Powerbuilding Program. I'm currently thinking about picking up Jeff Nippard's PB 2. The split is as follows: Week 1. Progress from Powerbuilding to Powerlifting: Squats: 450 lbs. Aug 21, 2021 路 It can be run as a 3 day or 4 day program and resets every 4 weeks, using an AMRAP set on week 4 to gauge progress. All while getting more jacked. Literally it was like a month or even less. I've been training for a little over two years I dont want to switch programs because this one works well. Pictures of both of them are here. Progress. 0, 2. I would also put sets of 4-6 deadlifts on pull day and drop a back exercise to compensate. % of 1RM. 3-4 day powerlifting workout split Hi guys, I’m looking for a 3 or 4 day powerlifting workout program, with accessories that won’t take me longer than an hour or so max in the gym. All old posts pertaining to these spreadsheets are filled with expired links, so I thought i'd open another thread. 5: Deadlift + Bench, low back, hamstring work, reverse hyper. I ran a total of 14 weeks of programming, starting with a 6-week powerbuilding 30/70 hypertrophy phase, after which I asked the app to rework my (six month) program to peak me for 11/26/2022 using a 70/30 split, which generated a new program containing one 4-week strength phase and one 4-week peaking phase. So I'm 257 6'1. ‌Day 6 : upper rings day 丕賱爻亘鬲 Rings push up 3x8-12 Ring rows 3x8-12 Theres no reason to do a 3 day ppl. They all work. Please add a progression scheme " Each time the program will get more refined. In contrast to Phases 1&2 there is also no optional fifth day. BP: 205x1 -> 195x6. Deadlifts: 535 lbs. 0 4x per week. It's part of the SBS program bundle. Problem is I ran it 3 times and it just stopped working. I need help structuring this program. If you're asking this you likely need to keep following programs for a while longer. Upper lower max effort 2 days, dynamic effort 2 days. Current maxes: Squat 325 Bench 275 and DL 435. And a set/rep scheme for the entire 12 weeks of the program. You can totally do a 4 day upper lower on a 3 day a week split, it just means 2 days extra recovery. Train this in a powerlifting way. What do you all think about this powerbuilding program I made. As far as i know, this program emphasizes hypertrophy a bit more than strength compared to phase 1. My favorites based on what works for me are Barbell Medicine’s PowerBuilding and Juggernaut AI (both PowerBuilding and powerlifting are outstanding). It's main focus is getting strong and jacked, and I made pretty solid progress in both departments. Here is a general over view of my current 4 day split: It wont match perfectly with your schedule as they take 16weeks combined, but they do work. I am 5'8 160lbs @~12% BF. I recommend using some template. • 6 mo. For 5/3/1 a common recommendation is 50-100 reps of a pulling exercise, 50-100 reps of a pushing exercise and same for a single leg exercise or abs. Mar 6, 2024 路 Reddit’s 6-Day PPL Powerbuilding Program - Best for Lifters Seeking a 6-Day Split: Beginner to Intermediate: 6 days. 12 votes, 11 comments. I found a really solid powerbuilding program on there the other day I'm going to run after my powerlifting program is over. That readjust my estimated 1RM to 595. Looking for a good UL ppl program to make size and strength gains. Im very interested in the powerbuilding category of training. Brogains is pretty good! The programs are only for beginners or intermediate lifters. Deadlift 3 x 2-6 reps High feet Leg press 3 x 2-6 reps Standing Calf raise 3 x 2-6 reps Leg extension 3 x 2-6 reps PHASE 3 – HIGH FREQUENCY. 2: Bench + Upper Hypertrophy. I love it. 3: Lower Hypertrophy. Start with 80-85% of best 5x5 with one weight and progress 5% each week, till you get to 102. You have to spend time cueing chatgpt. I need help trying to figure out a way that I can Bench 3-4 times a week Overhead Kizen 16 week Powerbuilding Program. . Plus they come in a bundle of other programs for $10! Most "aesthetics" programs with a focus on barbell movements and an overwarm single (think single at 90% or RPE7-8) will work really well for that population. I compete in powerlifting at 148lbs and ended up getting up to 165lbs before deciding it was time to cut again. I was looking it over and they have their program setup to to do all of the hypertrophy work Days 1,3,5 and power lifting work on days 2. A PPL that starts with sets of five for the big lifts and moves into sets of 10-12 for bodybuilding work, that's a powerbuilding routine with hypertrophy work. Reacting to Jeff Nippard’s Chest Exercise Rankings. Sounds like a powerbuilding program by Jeff Nippard, Ben Pollack, RTS or Barbell Medicine is right up your alley. I usually train 4 / 5 days a week (I repeat the splits as the week goes). I feel drowsy thinking about the high percentages and squatting 3 times a week. Been hammering away 5/6 days a week for a while myself. Around Week 7, this crazy thing called "life" started getting in my way (I'm also lazy), so I moved from a 4-day split to a 2-day, doubling up on the main lifts, doing much less assistance, and pretty A hybrid of Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding. or move onto GZCL (not the LP varient) Follow one. I see a lot of guys here recommending Nippard. Looking for suggestions for a six day a week program. 0. Thanks guys ‌day 4 : upper 丕賱禺賲賷爻 Weighted dips 3x5 Paused Pull up 3x8-12 Upper chest 3x8-12 Barbell rows 3x8 Bicep curls ss triceps Lateral raise ‌Day 5 : lower 丕賱噩賲毓丞 Squat 3x5 . Jeff Nippard's powerbuilding program. Advice. 389K subscribers in the weightroom community. Stronger by science website has a free 28 programs they email to you. Day 1**: A** Squats Stiff leg deadlift OHP: 185x1 -> 175x3. But to be honest - you could do this more efficiently in a 4 day a Certainly. I later learned why. It is similar to 5/3/1 in that it follows a 4 week cycle and focuses on one compound lift per training session. Program is split into three phases: volume, building (i. RPE or % of 1RM. 5x1. Powerbuilding 3. Though the name of this program is similar, it is not What are some 3/4 day programs that are good for a beginner? I’m looking at StartingStrength currently, but there doesn’t seem to be much hypertrophy work. T2 is 20-30 reps between 65% and 85%, then t3 is 50+ reps of isolation work. Is this 4 Day split fine? Day 1:Chest,Biceps Day 2:Back,Triceps Day 3:Shoulders Day 4:Legs Day 5:Chest,Biceps Day 6:Back,Triceps Day 7:Rest (Sunday) Day 8:Shoulders Day 9:Legs. This might in fact work even better for most strength oriented Jul 27, 2023 路 Furthermore, we wanted to build the ultimate powerbuilding program and that’s why we teamed up with Gravitus to launch our new 10-week training program in their mobile app. This program is aimed at complete powerbuilding and utilizes mostly big muscle workouts (Squat, Dead’s, Bench, Barbell Row) I did this back in like 2008 and my bench max shot up from 275 to 315 really fast. A hybrid of Powerlifting, and Bodybuilding. 2nd Runners Up are 531 (of course, it’s not a program but more of a methodology to training), and PHAT (this is also not a Aug 21, 2021 路 Spreadsheet allows for athlete to choose accessories to develop weak points. rj ax ot bd wn fa xx xj ei ey